The war of all or nothing – a history of wars
Without having understood what war has been and what war has become,
we will not be able to judge whether we live in peace and tolerability.
One of the questions we need to answer is: What is war anyway? Because if we have not made it clear how war is to be defined, then we will not discover war the day we are hit by it. That is, unless the war corresponds to what we have read and seen on film and falls into the category of conventional warfare, or in other words: unless the image in our consciousness corresponds to the image on our retina. What if it falls outside? What if the means have changed and spread to the whole culture in all its forms! If we don’t have words for it, then we are lost in translation.

Paranoia can quickly set in here – EVERYTHING is potentially hostile? Is that what you say? It’s not a nice thought, but we can’t avoid thinking it. AND when and if we don’t get away with it, let’s at least keep a cool head and go into historical analysis mode while thinking the thought.
Two experienced Germans, Charles Fleishhauer, who runs the YouTube-channel Geheimnisvolle Geschichte, and military historian Frank Köstler have both given this a lot of thought. Both operate outside the brainwashing mainstream – Gott sei dank!
If you understand German at a significant level, watch and listen:
Hybrider Krieg – Sind wir mittendrin? Im Gespräch mit Frank Köstler
Or read on.
The common concept of war
If you asked people right now if they see a war when they look out the window, the answer would be no. It is not visible. In certain parts of the world, the answer might be different. Ask people in Hong Kong. Ask the Australians and New Zealanders. Ask them up in Canada. Ask the Israelis. Ask the 100 million+ people on the streets these days in European capitals. Ask the Americans while Antifa and BLM are smashing stores around the corner. And certainly if you ask people i Ukraine, Syria, a bunch of provinces i countries in Africa, the ansver is YES! But if you ask Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead, the answer is NO.

At the very least, many people will respond that their society and reality is being remade right now into something that might resemble a state of war, but they’ve just been told that it’s an exception and that it’s temporary. The Danes were also told this when the Germans occupied Denmark on the 9th of April 1940. Perhaps a lot of people will realize along the way that, first of all, it is neither accidental nor even naturally motivated – nor is it exceptional or transient. It’s the ‘new normal’ and it’s meant to be permanent. What people forget or have never understood is that a state of emergency always implies the word military. We are being subjected to an act of war, an undeclared declaration of war, and we do not see it. Our enemy has armed himself with a deadly weapon called new speak, where words can mean the opposite of their true meaning. The language is being hacked at the moment.
In other words, we have ideas about what war is. People in Central Europe think of wars of position with fronts drawn up. You think of fronts, trenches, cannons, hand grenades, soldiers, emergency rations. We think about uniforms, ranks. We think about the states involved and diplomacy behind the scenes. We think of armored vehicles, ships, submarines and aircrafts. And the Ukranians today think of that too, since the NATO-inflicted war is more or less a conventional war as we know it – with a twist.

The concept landslide
The shift from conventional in the historical sense to something else has taken place in several areas. Atomic physics became a weapon when the first atomic bombs were dropped. Before that, medicine and biology had been weaponized with poison gases and viruses – The Army Flue, the Spanish flu, which was a biological weapon developed in US military laboratories and spread in 1918 via an infected platoon of American soldiers flown to Spain – a platoon of ignorant biological suicide bombers. 100 million people subsequently died during and after the First World War.
To preempt the point, today the landslide is complete. But it has been completed without the general notion of war having followed suit. For those who are aware that it has happened and are actively involved in these cross-border hostilities, this is a pocket for their operation before the reality dawns on people and the resistance explodes. For those who have no idea, it is in this pocket, in this vacuum, where they are tricked and will succumb.
The Cold War was a shift, a normalization of lurking anxiety. Here, the populations of Europe and the United States became accustomed to an ever-present war on a low flame, with a perpetual threat that a new world war would break out. In psychological terms, it is called ongoing re-traumatization, the maintainance of a low frequency state of fear, fight and flight The Russians are coming soon, nuclear threat, rearmament, propaganda, giant grants to the military industrial complex, the iron curtain with half of Europe under totalitarian lockdown – people who lived in the Eastern Bloc before 1989 can’t help but notice the similarity to right now. We have been there and done that, why on earth are you idiots doing it to yourselves again now!?

Around the turn of the millennium, the psychology of re-traumatization no longer worked, because those who remembered World War II were gradually few, so yet another re-traumatization was needed. The energy that had driven the Cold War had burned out, and people gradually shrugged their shoulders, because the wolf can’t keep coming. The global ruling class couldn’t have that, but then 9/11 happened, and that matter was settled, it was thought. The Cold War had been replaced by the war on terror. – which was nothing more than a staged act of terrorism against the populations of the West. In the peripheral world, the re-traumatization consisted of a new series of warlike assaults with devastating consequences for a number of new broken societies (broken states) – Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya, Ukraine, Syria.

The invisible war
As long as we cannot see the war, we believe that there is peace.
The post-war generations in Europe have not experienced a hot war – if we exclude an area of the Balkans. We have no direct experience. Instead, we have a complex of mainstream historiography created by the association of victors in WW2 that have explained to us why it was the war of good against evil, that we should be eternally grateful and that they sacrificed themselves for us.
The post-war generations have a whole lot of war images in their heads, mainly originating from Hollywood. Secondarily, we have the images from school history books, TV documentaries, etc. It was not coincidentally timed with a wave of emotional holocaust narrative created primarily by Stephen Spielberg. Maintenance of trauma was constantly needed. A story that is inconsistent with the truth must be constantly maintained, and the story of the ‘good war’ is as far from the truth as can be imagined.

Why this propagandism if it is all pure truth?
As some of the participating interviewees said afterwards:
Well, at the time it felt like my own story.
Everyone has seen pictures in history books and throug a media of a tiger tank. But it’s a pale affair compared to the violent images from Hollywood, where it’s like being there yourself – with a certain twist. Whether it was deliberate or a side effect is debatable, but this over-bidding with the subsequent over-consumption of war images has led to a widespread expectation of war. We are marinated in Hollywood war porn. Notice how these war pictures have now changed to hitech sci-fi war pictures. There is now an expectation of war in a transhumanist starwars scenario. In both cases, the condition has already occurred, while the expectation, the habituation, is created.
With-a-twist, there is always a propaganda message that accompanies the picture catalog. Hollywood has not spared lonesome neo-cowboys who save the world from the bad guys. Every James Bond movie is a remake of the same story. Rambo, Independence Day … you-name-it. Scifi, not sci-fi, all the time the same. Early on, the hero was completely clean. Then he had doubts and turned into an anti-hero. As the lone soldier in trouble, James Ryan in Saving Private Ryan. Recently, the dirty hero with a dark side has become popular. Batman begins … But the core message is the same: We come with our hero and save you, because you obviously can’t figure it out for yourself. Find out just THAT!

The conventional images are man-vs-man, man-vs-machine, rifles, cannons, six-barrels, sword-and-shield. Why not more club vs. club Stone Age war stories? The Hollywood hero must follow the classic narrator model, also called the adventure model. Hollywood is bedtime stories for adults and grown-up stories for children.
Uniformed War
For the past 250 years, states in Europe have waged war against each other. Not just princes and clans but nation states have waged wars. If there were civil wars, there were always states involved as stagers. However, there were certain rules for warfare. A uniform had to be worn. War had to be declared. Prisoners of war were to be treated according to agreements. Civilians were to be treated differently from soldiers. They did not destroy places where necessities for the population were produced, factories were not legitimate military targets. One was not allowed to attack an enemy in retreat. A truce was there to be observed. A capitulation was a capitulation and not an invitation to genocide. Even in the cruelty of war there was an ethic. Rules and ethics were broken, yes, but they were not TOTALLY absent like today. Rules and ethics and conventions existed in the ‘dark’ ages and hundreds of years later, it is our time that is the dark age.
A war is always a war of consciousness. Without consciousness, no war. Put another way: without propaganda and preparation of the special perverted consciousness which is a prerequisite for all war, no support for war and therefore: no war. After a war, many people remember it. But at the same time, there are many among the pedestrians who are deeply traumatized. PTSD, post-traumatic stress syndrome, is not the exception, it is the norm. In this post-war blackout, the brain in the traumatized nervous system asks: What was it that I was really exposed to, what was it that I really experienced? And in the traumatic vacuum someone will immediately arrive who is ready in advance to fill the gap: That was WHAT you experienced. That’s WHY you did it. The dissonance between the doubt, the anxiety, all the other negative emotions, guilt, shame, etc. AND the reality that was out there at the time, and that has been permanently burned into the soldier’s consciousness, is once given valium and an explanation. The soldier is left in the lurch, because now he has messed up his human life for a cause he basically did not understand.

It is time to take a step back and examine the mental-ideological – or spiritual-philosophical if you will – background for war. War as a surface phenomenon can change constantly, the wolf has a whole wardrobe to wear, but the background is the same. We are talking about the phenomenology of war – a difficult academic term. Look at it like this: What you see is what you get. Phenomenology is a comparison and compilation of visible phenomena, it is pattern recognition of forms of appearance. It is an attempt at an open-minded examination of experienced reality. A system is what it does (not what it says about itself). Never trust what the talking heads of the system say about the system and themselves. Trust only what you see them doing and then compare that to what they say they do. Is there conformity or not? You will often find a blatant lack of conformity.
A main ingredient in all warfare is anxiety, fear. Therefore, the Bush administration’s misuse of the term war on terror is absurd. War IS terror – end of discussion!
When Genghis Khan invaded cities – and remember his armies penetrated all the way into Europe – he had the people of a city publicly executed. But he always let people survive so they could tell others about what had happened. It was an act of terrorism as well a genocide. The survivors were to flee to neighboring towns and announce in advance what awaited them so that they would surrender without resistance. Instead of lugging around all sorts of heavy siege equipment, they used terror that had already penetrated. the fortification walls.

Fear is a threat to life. Starvation falls in the same category. When you cut off the supplies, it’s only a matter of time. A besieged fortification can only survive as long as they have supplies. People could no longer leave their homes during Operation Lockdown. Does it ring a bell?
It’s called counter-insurgency, and it’s being practiced right now against the millions of civilians who have either taken to the streets or are speaking out from home. There are military manuals about this sort of thing. Rulers throughout world history have recognized that their own people are their primary enemy. Secondarily, the population of an occupied territory. British colonial war history is full of examples of how today’s manuals merely reflect the practices of the time. Repression via counter-insurgency was their specialty, and that they fell short when the Indians threw the Brits out of the crown colony is fortunately good old news that repression has its limits. That they then hatched a new global bully called the United States, which for 100 years has been doing the same thing, is the bad old news.
It’s called colonial wars, not just colonies, remember that. The colonial wars were always a war against the incumbent government in an area targeted for colonization + the country’s population. This population, regardless of the legitimacy of their previous leadership, realized from the start that there was nothing to stand against an overwhelming invasion force. Virtually all countries in Africa have experienced this. Africa is one of the most resource rich continents matched only by local areas in other continents where its inhabitants should live in prosperity, but where EVERYTHING was taken from them and transferred to the colonial masters, after which they lived in poverty.

A catalog of dirty tricks is listed in the counterinsurgency manual. One of them is: pull out women and children and beat them up. This was seen as recently as the covid-lockdown at a large demonstrations in Berlin, where women and children were targeted by the police in combat clothing. The Germans are now experiencing the third totalitarian assault in 110 years. World War 1, which aimed to smash the German Empire and destroy the economic ‘threat’ to the British Empire. World War 2, it was Germany that shook off the chains of Versailles – and was destroyed and put in chains for the second time. And lately, when the pharmaceutical-industrial apartheid state was established as a transition to a global techno-tyranny.
Attrition tactics
People got soft when they turned on the media every day and heard corona-corona-corona, you-shall-die, you-shall-die, you-shall-die, 24/7/365, on every channel, in every statements, from all sides. No one who says otherwise or calls for consideration got any time to speak during this media tsunami. It went on for years and the population was exhausted. A constant terrorist brainwashing had been going on.
Deliberately exhausting is also the way in which the government presses and presses and suddenly releases the pressure. Then people think: now it’s finally over, now they’ll probably be good again. But the temporary truce is just being used to come up with something new and even worse. What does the population use the standstill for: to breathe a sigh of relief in good faith, after which BANG! It is very exhausting for people with all this oh no not again!
At the time of writing December 2021 the Danish government gave people time over Christmas to recover. Then people could not say that the prime minister ruined Christmas once again. But then just after Christmas she returned, and this time it would be with demands for actual compulsory vaccination. The Danes must be beaten this time. It never went that far like in some Commonwealth neo-fascist-ruled countries, but they would certainly have liked to try. Instead the prime minister Mette Frederiksen ordered the slaugthering og 17 million mink! As a visual warning to the citizens of Denmark, that this could happen to you, if not … She went af far as to say, that Denmark no longer has room for the unvaccinated. And her minister of justice said: People believe that that acutually have civil rights. They don’t, of course.

Gaslighting – reality terror
A special kind of terror method to put the enemy/population in a state of constant uncertainty about what is real and unreal. Every day the government in Operation Lockdown changed their homemade rules. The second thayt people got used to one regulation, they pulled the rug out from under it. All announcements were pulled ashore and replaced by new and worse ones. The final stage was the raving madness and making-sick of dissidents, which historically is seen in ALL totalitarian regimes. It is for this reason that the term is now used: a socially critical disease. A very bizarre slip of an expression that before was used as an adjective for a critic of a totalitarian regime. Now it was about a disease that obviously has a will of its own + those who refuse to acknowledge the prevailing history of the disease. The deniers would be viewed as dissidents to be singled out, isolated and ultimately removed. Hence the names C-O-V-ID, Certification Of Vaccination IDentification = designation/identification via the vaccine/implant.
War has become asymmetrical. War has become hybrid. War has become fluid. They call it 4GW, Fourth Generation Warfare. The Prussians called it total war (the Nazis did not invent the term), but had no idea how total the war would become adapted a century and a half later.
Symmetric warfare
In the Middle Ages, there were cavalry armies, armies with knights in armor as the vanguard of infantry. There were codes of honor for the knighthood. Man-on-man warfare required manly courage, and if you were successful, you reaped glory for it. The duel has been copied in a number of sports. A boxing match is a kind of simulated warfare. Martial arts in general are martial arts taken out of an actual war situation. But even a tennis match has similarities to the duel, and a football match is two armies against each other.

In the High Middle Ages, war technology was enhanced with crossbows, throwing machines, storm stairs, and gat-and-brick breakers. In response to the cavalry armies in armour, peasant armies with halberds and long lances and a successful battlefield tactic that could hold a cavalry army at bay emerged starting in Switzerland. The infantry could now defeat the cavalry and the age of the knight disappeared.
The gunpowder age arrived with the arkbus. Bøsse (Danish term) comes from the german buse, which means chest, i.e. a chest cannon, a hand-held firearm. The Chinese already had them before the Europeans from the 13th century, and as you probably know, they invented gunpowder. Later came the rifle. The distance between the combatants increased, the duel became secondary and the old concepts of honor were no longer needed. The new war technology had maximum impact with maximum distance. It started in the 13th-15th centuries with gunpowder sludge and flintlocks and ended with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

On the battlefield, new forms of symmetry were formed, i.e. formations where you could form a land-based broadside against the enemy, just like a maritime broadside from a frigate with guns in up to three layers in a row. The Roman legions and the Greek phalanxes had something similar but with a different technology intended for close combat. Pictures of battlefields from the 18th century show these almost mathematical-geometrical arrangements and lines. Right up to and including World War I, people operate in lines, now in the form of trench lines. For example, the Maginot Line, where the front stalled and froze for a long period. Here you lay and ate tinned food, while the goulash barons grew fat behind the front. On the battlefield, new forms of symmetry were formed, i.e. formations where you could form a land-based broadside against the enemy, just like a maritime broadside from a frigate with guns in up to three layers in a row. The Roman legions and the Greek phalanxes had something similar but with a different technology intended for close combat. Pictures of battlefields from, for example, the 18th century show these almost mathematical-geometrical arrangements and lines. Right up to and including World War I, people operate in lines, now in the form of trench lines. For example, the Maginot Line, where the front stalled and froze for a long period. Here you lay and ate tinned food, while the goulash barons grew fat behind the front.

In World War II, you still have lines and formations with tanks and planes. The distance principle is now moved to a new and inhumane level. The core of the British air force was not, as they like to boast, fighters. It was bombers. The tactic was to bomb German cities and their civilian populations by dropping the payload where there was light. Not industrial areas, not military installations, you went directly after the civilian population when you sent the big Lancasters in, for example. Hamburg. It was an airborne act of terrorism. As Churchill said directly: This is not a war against the Nazis, this is a war against the German people.

Everyone has heard of Dresden. It was one big blast furnace. In the cellars there was a decimetre-thick layer of human fat.
What few have heard of is, that it happened in every German city with over 25,000 inhabitants.
Symmetrical warfare was the disaster for the Americans in the Vietnam War. The VietKong army engaged in asymmetric warfare. Guerrilla warfare is inherently asymmetrical. It comes from all sides in organized scattered fencing, and the battlefield is a natural piece of asymmetry in the form of a jungle. It is Sun Tsu’s The Art of War in practice. It was a nightmare for the American soldiers, best described by Francis Ford Coppola in Apocalypse Now from 1979. It is worth remembering that the novel publisher was Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, which takes place not up the Mekong River but up the Congo River in an 1899 colonial hell, the ‘dark Africa’. Or as they say: the white man’s grave, for the number of diseases that befell the white man in this steaming damp hell were countless and unmentionable. It is also worth noting that Coppola’s film is inspired by Werner Herzog’s film Aguirre, the Wrath of God from 1972. Here the river is a branch of the Amazon River and the wave of colonialism is the prototype for later colonialism with the Spanish colonization of South America, the conquistadors jungle hell. They also became the jungle people’s hell, for the conquistadors brought with them one of their biological weapons of mass destruction – with or without intention: infectious diseases to which the locals succumbed by the millions. The great civilizations were totally wiped out in just 100 years, and the great white cities in the jungle disappeared in just a few generations under a thick layer of jungle growth.

Asymmetric warfare
The Americans used the Vietnam War to study asymmetric warfare. The distance principle was given another inhuman boost when Monsanto’s Agent Orange was sprayed over the landscape. Chemical warfare at its most perfidious, weapons of mass destruction that should have disqualified American stupid politicians from EVER using the word since! When Monsanto couldn’t sell their deadly poison afterwards, they changed it to RoundUp so the warfare could continue, this time against the human, animal and plant health of the entire world. Glyphosate in RoundUp is a component if not the MAIN CAUSE of the majority of the diseases that plague the world’s populations today. It is found everywhere in the environment, it has no boundaries.

While we still walk around with a 15th-18th century image of war, the warlords are far beyond that concept. All the means of symmetrical warfare, all the strategies are still in use, but the technologies have changed radically. Information technology is now part of warfare. The science is now a part. Journalism is now a part. Juristiction is a part, medical sciense is now a part, the food industry is a part, language is a part, the whole culture has been weaponized.
We know that a drone today is a weapon of war. It’s armed and remotely controlled – by a pizza-eating, pimple-ridden, Coca-Cola-chugging computer gamer from a bunker in the US, wreaking death and destruction on civilians somewhere in the Middle East, but he’s sitting around hooting and hi-five’ing his buddies. The distance principle has reached perversely infantile heights = humanly bottom-scraping lows. Human and manly courage is totally absent, the cowards are the new heroes.

Den Preussian general
Carl von Clausewitz was a Prussian general and military theorist who, after the Napoleonic Wars, wrote a philosophical work called Vom Kriege (On War). He was the intellectual strategist of the Prussian Empire. This is where the famous phrase comes from: War is the continuation of politics simply by other means. His theories are still taught at military academies, but also in business management and marketing. Interesting isn’t it? From here, e.g. originates all the titles in companies that refer to a military hierarchy, e.g. CEO, senior executive officer. Here opens a wormhole, a pandora’s box of words, concepts, expressions that have built war into the language. Recruitment of employees, competitiveness (you outperform the ‘enemy’), conquest of market shares, ‘we take it up-front’. Companies have their own intelligence to keep an eye on the enemy/competitors. Industrial espionage is carried out. The corporate hierarchy is structured like a military system. When there are urgent tasks that need to be solved quickly, they say at the board meeting that a task force must now be set up.

Clausewitz’s statement, that all moral and physical forces in a state could be deployed as means in a war is close to the idea of Total War. Clausewitz himself described the so-called interaction of escalation, which leads to a totalization of warfare:
He who recklessly uses all the means available to him must gain an advantage over his opponent, if the latter does not do the same. In doing so, they both exert themselves to the limit.
As long as you have not overcome your enemy, you run the risk of being overcome yourself.
Since no one can accurately assess the determination of his enemy, everyone will try to be as decisive as possible.
The result of such a development was the involvement of all state funds, which Clausewitz describes as Absolute War. (wording from Wikipedia article on von Clauswitz).
This means a few things.
First of all, we must understand that the concept of Total War was not invented by Joseph Göbbels in 1943 in a speech at the Sportspalast in Berlin (Wollt Ihr den totalen Krieg?), as is usually said. On that point, the 3rd Reich is just an extension of Prussia. Göbbels, as you may or may not know, was a historian.
Secondly, we must understand that corporate culture is a piece of civilian military that knows all about the concept of total war. Study business and management language and discover that they translate into military terms.
Thirdly, we must understand with von Clausewitz that if war is an extension of politics and companies think like a military operation, then all three commands are merged, and then we have just around the corner and to the right leg – or as today to left leg: fascism.
For the ancient Greeks, war was the norm.
For the Roman emperors the same.
Fred was an exception.
The ideology of war

Add to that the core ideology of the British Empire: Darwinism. They fundamentally see themselves as entitled to supremacy via a biological-racist right. Their class society is a global class society, where the very few, via a postulated biological (read: ideological) right, rule over the rest of humanity. Darwin himself used the word survival of the strongest – posterity has obscured the statement and called it the survival of the fittest, but that was not what he wrote in his famous book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. And the subtitle: Preservation of the favored races in the struggle for survival – yes, that was the name, and they have also removed that from the title. They have because it says what it’s all about: Eugenics. Darwin’s half-cousin was the very founder of eugenics as a notorious discipline: Sir Francis Gaulton.

It was the same Charles Darwin who stated: There are 72 races on earth, but the lowest of them all is … Pause: and then you think that the imperialist talker probably said the Hottentots or the gooks or something else in the same genre, but no, he said the Irish. It was precisely in connection with the Irish genocide that they renamed the potato plague og The Great Famine. It was also just before the British captured and deported the Irish rebels to the prison island of Australia to get rid of them. And indeed if the local government downunder right now-and-again a century and a half later treats their own population as convicts! You cannot invent such things, the reality of our time surpasses the sickest imagination!
When von Clausewitz said by all means, he did not have the imagination in his 19th century brain to imagine the means that posterity had at his disposal. For example: Today you can wage war with the help of the weather, or as they say all the time cli-i-imate. You can call down serious bad weather on an area and its population, which they just did in the Vancouver area of Canada as part of the artificial global supply crisis. The HAARP technology is now familiar to everyone with a minimum of intact brain cells. Should you be skeptical, there are websites where today – if you can afford it – you can go in and order bad or good weather. The governments have kindly failed to regulate this piece of organized crime, just as they don’t regulate the CIA, which does as it pleases and has been running the weather program for military purposes since the 1950s.

Party politics behaves like an act of war. There are also lots of war words here: party soldiers, opinion members of parliament, political patronage, block politics, an alliance of parties, political strategies, etc. In most democracies, there are right and left wings that fight each other with all sorts of dirt. In certain countries, the war sometimes becomes very concrete. In the history of the United States, a number of political assassinations have taken place. The Clinton mafia alone has gotten away with – and books have been written about it – about 30+ political murders without being caught. They have never been caught for anything in the mega array of crimes they have committed for over 40 years. Kennedy and his brother were assassinated. Reagan was the subject of an assassination attempt. In Africa, there are currently 7-8 – just the latest report – who have been murdered for not cooperating with the pharmaceutical mafia from the WHO, and Africans have all sorts of reasons to be deeply skeptical of vaccines and pharmaceutical companies. Coup d’état is the order of the day in banana republics with military means and coup generals. In totalitarian regimes, politics is conducted towards the citizens with military and militarized police. There is a fluid line between politics and war, and the waters flow both ways.

War is the geopolitical norm
In terms of foreign policy, it is found to be really bad. You start trade wars with the enemy. You besiege enemies = regimes that do not submit to the dictates and rules of the game of the powerful nations, with sanctions and embargos equivalent to besieging a city or a fortification, where the population is taken hostage to pressure the leaders you want to kill. The USA is again at the top of the rogue list here and has for more than 100 years conducted politics by means of direct war. The Soviet state did it during the Cold War, and since Mao Tse Dong the regime has waged a double war: one was against the population that the psychopath Mao happily murdered. The other was against their immediate neighbors whom they invaded and incorporated into China – Manchuria, Xinqian Province, Southern Mongolia, Tibet and now Hong Kong. If they could, they would invade Taiwan tomorrow.
In our time, they have opened the third front against the rest of the world, and as you know, they are not shy about using biological weapons of mass destruction. We need only say the Chinese place name Wuhan, where their main biological warfare laboratory is located. In 2019, they behaved aggressively towards India in one of the northern border areas. In 2020, they attempted an invasion of Pakistan also here in a border area to the east. They were stopped by a strange weapon, so their equipment stopped working, after which the whole platoon had to trudge back across the border. They searched in vain for publicity in the media. The same media vacuum was absent when a string of Chinese warships were sunk with similar strange weapons in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Panama Canal and off the west coast of the United States + reportedly several other places in the world. Someone with great resources had intelligence about the operation and had stepped in. Right now there are entire divisions of the Chinese army in Canada where their perverted, treasonous president has let them in. Again, the media is completely blank.

A local politician came to speak before and in a speech thanked those who had sent the weather. It was the last time when it rained too little, and this time someone had turned the tap all the way off.
In von Clausewitz’s concept, total war is the shortest. All resources are deployed, all fronts are opened, all means are used to get it over with. We cannot therefore speak of total war in that sense, because the war has now become infinite. It morphs from one incident to another. There is talk of liquid war (liquid war) instead. This is of course connected to the fact that the military-industrial-financial complex demands it ad infinitum, and therefore war must be accepted – if you can use that term – by the populations as a normality. The military state of emergency is now being sold as the new normal, which we just have to learn to live in. Hence all the potty training for adults that has taken place via the media.
Blitzkrieg – the fast and the furious

Blitzkrieg is the term used by the Nazis for the operations that had first turned against the Western powers. In no time they were over, France was occupied, the Netherlands were simply overrun, the English were sent home across the Channel in fishing boats leaving all their equipment behind. The enemy was overcome before he could seize the shovel and dig a trench. The occupation of Denmark and Norway was to cover the back against a return. England was basically beaten until Churchill – Franklin D. Roosevelt’s cousin! a piece of infor that did not make it into the history books – at the behest of Chaim Weitzmann*, president of the World Zionism promised him that ‘they’ could do the same as last time, that is to involve the USA in a war in Europe where they had nothing to do. Remember the Lusitania massacre with full knowledge of Churchil, who sat in the naval command at that incident. Also remember the Pearl Harbor raid, which was supposed to open the front against the Japanese, who had become Germany’s allies – with full knowledge of President Roosewelt and general MacArthur and the inner core of the military staff. Both incidents were a piece of military-political self-harm, a so-called stand-down operation false flag.
*In 1933, Germany received a declaration of war in the form of a newspaper advertisement signed by a non-state that called itself Judea. It happened immediately after the National Socialists had proclaimed that they wanted to recreate Germany as a non-slave state with its own military, its own foreign policy and especially – which really got the Jewish bankers out of their seats – their own national bank and economy. Remember that a central bank is not a national bank but merely a branch of the global central banking system, which as you may know has a certain predominance of Jewish bankers. Or rather: reverse crypto-Jews = Khazarians disguised as Jews. They are sabbateans, satanists, The Chabad, the dark Sanhedrin, the followers of Solomon who sold himself to the demons. This is the factual khazarian mafia, and It is up to people whether they love mafia or not. What is also not a theory but an indisputable fact is that the Russian Revolution and the Bolshevik Jihadism that smashed Russia were Azkhenazi (Khazarian) Jews imported from the US and Europe and financed by Khazarian Wall Street bankers (Jacob Schiff) . Again: like it or not – the Russians sure didn’t like them, nor did they ask to come and destry their country and their lives. It cost 145 million of them their lives.

Since all the major players, the representatives of the pharmaceutical industry, the financial world, the media and selected politicians – including a representative of the Danish government! – gathered at the now infamous Event 201 in New York months before the release of the biological weapon of mass destruction called Covid-19, they agreed on how to deal with a global blitzkrieg and shutdown of the world community, and how to ensure that only ONE message got out in the media and that all other messages were to be murdered. The totality of that war was, that the world’s population would be bombarded from all sides and by all means. Remember: business leaders have also studied von Clausewitz.
All fronts are being used by the globalists in their total war against the world population. Immigration is a weapon and a front, finance is a weapon/front, health, food, water, energy is a weapon/front. And not least the media is the Göbbelian or Ilya Ehrenreich (Stalin’s propaganda minister) propaganda apparatus, which since World War 1 has been bought bit by bit by the globalists and rolled into the big brown sewer stream of disinformation. The media is the leading weapon and has been used 24/7/365 for the past 21 months to brainwash and create this paralysis, this mass psychosis via mass hypnosis.
Read: Mass hypnosis – how couldl it happen?
War of the industry
The First World War was first and foremost the war in which industrialization and mechanization broke through. The leap was made from cavalry and infantry to clumsy tanks and heavy artillery. The machine gun came into play. Battles took place in the air. Submarines were invented, mines with or without mustard gas were dumped and minesweepers tried to sweep them. It is also here that we see the perfidious war gases going into the air at the front. The new art form film was used for propaganda. The Bolsheviks were the first to use it effectively as propaganda, and the Nazis were quick to followed suit 25 years later. Radio communication was used in war for the first time. The war was a chain of material battles, scrap against scrap. Behind the materials, the war gear, were the industrialists. Behind industry was the world of finance. The military-industrial complex was launched as an expression by Eisenhover after WW2, but the reality already existed in WW1. It was an industrialized war.

In this connection, remember who the industrialists were. It was precisely the same people who, in order to create industrialism before, had to create classical imperialism. Imperialism consisted of plundering the socalled Third World for resources. England was the birthplace of industrialism, and the British Empire was formed from the start via state-run piracy. It’s really that simple. Their global dominance is due to their navy. It was the British East India Company, the occupation of India, the opium wars against China and MI5 as the Crown Corporations intelligence service. It was the destruction of the old structures in the Middle East in good company with France (the Sykes-Picot agreement, where they cut up the Middle East like a birthday cake). It was the looting of South Africa + a number of other countries in Africa. Also remember that many of the land borders we see on the map today, were created by the imperialists/colonialists. Add to this the fact that these brutal cuts were often made in a perfidioous way so that they dismembered ethnic groupings. When a people was cut into small pieces, they were weakened. It’s called divide-and-conquer.

thus laying the groundwork for conflict in the Middle East forever.
Civil war
One of the most inflamed forms of warfare. This is not only because citizens are fighting against citizens. This is because it is NEVER the citizens themselves who start these wars. It’s always because someone pisses in an anthill, after which the ants attack each other for lack of an identified enemy. There are ALWAYS big players behind, when little people fight each other. And while fighting each other, they are left powerless to the real enimy.
World history is full of examples, especially within the circle of the British Empire, whose main strategies are strategies of tension and divide and conquer. The Heirs of the Empire have several perfidious expressions for it. The American mega-spin doctor Henry Kissinger calls it balkanization. It is the tactic of setting fire to the powder keg. This is what the Pentagon, CIA and NATO did in the Balkans in the Bosnian War.

The two later examples that clearly show a staged civil war are Syria and Ukraine. The Syrian war was constantly being called a civil war in the media, which it absolutely was not. Syria was attacked by an army of mercenaries equipped by NATO and the CIA, supported by Turkey, patched up in the Golan Heights in Israeli lazarets and financed by Saudi Arabia. The fake jihadists were not at all Syrian ‘mostly peaceful’ rebel forces against an evil-evil president who absolutely did not gas his own population. Everything was a lie from end to end.
In Ukraine, a coup d’état was created via American neocons in collaboration with Ukrainian fascists and a quite disgusting massacre in Odessa, after which the people of Lugansk and Donetsk in the Donetsk region escaped the coup government. After this, a regional civil war started, but the entire market was created from outside. Russia said stop-here-and-no-more regarding their naval base on the Crimean peninsula, and all sorts of under-the-radar hostilities were going on.
Camouflage and propaganda
Think green paint for a tank so it can hide from the ground and from the air. This is probably adapted by studying animals. Hunters also use camo to avoid being seen by animals, but this requires standing still, because animals register all movement. If you compare soldiers’ combat uniforms from the 18th century with today, it is remarkable that camouflage did not exist at all. A scout behind enemy lines perhaps, but both privates and especially officers displayed a palette of flashy blues and reds and the whole palette, they were almost wandering shooting discs. If you were going to die, it had to be in style. Of course, the colors also had the function that you could tell your own from the enemy, so that you shot at the right ones in the heat of battle, and also that you could tell soldiers from civilians. A soldier today will try to look like a bush with dark greens and browns. An American soldier in Afghanistan had to fall with the dust, while a Taliban fighter had to fall with the civilian population among whom they often hid.

A camouflaged parallel is Hollywood. Or TV. It’s disguised, camouflaged as entertainment, but before you look around, the propaganda is on you. They want something with you other than to entertain. They’re messing with your brain. Hollywood is perhaps the most significant factor in the breakdown of traditional life values in the West and far beyond. And thus the breakdown of an entire society.
I must be the last to write off film as an art form based on my education in Film & Media and 20+ years where film/video has been part of my profession. But precisely because of this, I also know a great deal about how the medium can be used for mind-fucking. They camouflage their messages so that they slip in unnoticed. And since music has been my second life – my real education – I know all about how music is the sauce that makes it sink in.
A piece of film history is the involvement of Hollywood and some well-known directors in war propaganda and WW2. It was a series under the title Why We Fight. John Huston was also asked. He delivered the goods, but one of his three war films from the period, The Battle of San Pietro, was a little woolly around the edges, it seemed from his commissioners. He showed pictures of American soldiers in the late days of the war in Italy – with pictures of body bags! They didn’t like that. The war was to be glorified, not shown in its reality. It was censored by the military.

When the tanks rolled into Baghdad in the 2nd Iraq War, the journalists had become embedded. CNN reporters were allowed to sit in a tank and get squeamish about being in the heat of battle. The truth was that it was mostly harmless, there was almost no resistance. In the home country, journalists and the media contributed to fertilizing the soil for popular acceptance. They readily lied about alleged weapons of mass destruction.

One of the grand old men in the BBC (the name has been forgotten in the heat of the battle) stood up after the Iraq war and berated his colleagues and the company for allowing themselves to be turned into whores for the war machine. You knew it, you had a name for it, it was limited, it was not well seen. Today, the media is nothing but propagandist whore! It has come so far in just 20 years.
The Trojan horse
Obviously, someone in the management segment needs stickers on people. Like barcodes for the gizmos in a hardware store. They are preparing the new global ID. How do you do it? 5G-tech, mobile phones, credit cards, other ID cards, espionage via electrogear, tracking of movements, online social behaviour, surveillance cameras, case files at state and municipality. Add to that that companies soak up personal information. It’s not called surveillance capitalism for nothing. But isn’t that enough, one would think? No, now they want access to your biometric data, they want to penetrate every cell in your body. And for that they need a new gadget, an implant. How will they do it? The answer is: vaccines. Remember again what C-O-V-ID means: Certification of Vaccination IDentification. The name says it. But they haven’t said what it means, because they’ve covered it up under the fact that it’s the name of a virus. It is what it is, people think, and then they don’t ask any further. Most people ask very little at all. Camouflage again.
That is the only explanation for all this manic eagerness to vaccinate everything and everyone with a substance, that they admit, offer no protection against infection of themselves or others, destroys people’s immune defenses, costs society the coffers, is not thoroughly tested and – like the industry itself indicates – was never meant to protect let alone heal but only temporarily relieve pain. Pretty temporary it turns out.
It is the only explanation why all effective preventive and curative treatments have been attacked, silenced, ridiculed, besieged and blocked. Countries that have chosen to go the other way have exterminated!! the virus: Japan, states in India (Uttar Pradesh amo.), several countries in South America.
The only explanation is that it is NOT about health but something else entirely, and that vaccinations in themselves are the purpose in the first place, not public health. And secondly: What are the vaccines for? C-O-V ID. The virus was a Trojan horse that was supposed to transport vaccines within the defence, where it spilled out with hostilities.

The attackers knew that resistance would arrive, but they counted on a blitzkrieg to overwhelm the resistance and that most would be blinded by the fireworks and suffocated by smoke. They figured that when people woke up to reality, it would be too late, because by then everyone had been hit by the bullet and was carrying it in their body. A push of a button would be enough, because it was an interactive bullet. At the same time, they knew that there would be active opponents from the start, people who had smelled the fuse and the stench of rat and who would duck and avoid the bullet for the time being. In addition, they had another historical precedent: the yellow Jewish armband. The dissidents, the non-vaccinated were to be branded as harmful to society. They didn’t even hide it, because now the government used the word a critical illness (the social illness of those with critique). They link a term that has so far been a term for system-critical dissidents in totalitarian societies with a disease. But since people have become historyless in the meantime, few notice this piece of black word-magic.
The attackers knew they needed more historical precedents: concentration camps. They started running those camps in Australia. Prepared long ago in the USA, they are equipped with guillotines (30,000) and large stocks of coffins adjacent to the so far empty FEMA camps. And! the Danish government has now demanded consent from the police and the military that they will help capture and detain people.
Will this plan be activated? Only if they succede to run another round of disigner-pandemia. Is it too late for them now, and has The World moved on? Keep an eye on a series of articles called The World Game.
The chess game – maneuver strategy
War is a chess game with officers and pawns. Interesting, by the way, that the King is a lazy, impotent slug with no real power, while the Queen is the leading piece on the field. The officers have tunnel vision and blinders as well as limited freedom of action – they either drive lengthwise, or they drive across, they have no independent will. Only the Knight can jump in either direction, but its range is limited. The Pawns have to trudge with heavy steps in muddy clogs and sacrifice themselves in the big game. The game of chess is a brilliant image of the power play. The geopolitical grandmasters, power- and war-mad people like the late Zbignew Brzecinsky – may he roast in hell – even wrote a book with his geopolitical confessions called The Great Chess Game. The rules of the game of chess correspond to maneuver strategy in war. Today there is a whole genre of board games and computer games called strategy games.

Images of the great battles of the past resemble chess games. Uniforms in the 16th-18th centuries and in the Middle Ages heraldry on shields and banners were also there to minimize the loss of life. The recognition ensured that lives were saved. Out of love for humanity? perhaps to a lesser extent, but rather because life was a resource. In the same way as bureaucrats and HR employees today regard the employees as manageable resources, civilian cannon fodder. Is it real people, they move around i their spreadsheets? Not really.
There is a reason why the globalists are interested in big business. In all large contexts, there is a lack of closeness and an overview seen from below. And from above, but they imagine that they have the big picture. Remember the distance principle of war. When everything is at a distance, it is mentally possible to slaughter the population/employees without having to look them in the eye. You can drop a nuclear bomb while drinking champagne from a distance. And the ants on the ground in the anthill will never be able to reach the ones up there who are pissing on their heads. In small independent companies, management is at eye level with everyone else. What did we see during the Financial Crisis of 2008-09, and what did we see copy-pasted bigtime during Operation Lockdown? Millions and millions of small businesses succumb and their resources were transferred to the globalist cartels. Pattern recognition please!
Young people all over the world, boys especially and well into adulthood – are playing war games on computers. In particular, 1st person real time shoot out games are cultivated. If you go to the shelves – which you don’t do by now, you go to Steam og Ubisoft Connect or other platforms and download – then 9/10 games fall into that genre. In other words, a whole generation of boys and young men have sat and practiced murdering people on the battlefield, because it is just a game. Or is it? What is the difference between an airplane or tank simulator at home in the garage and in military training at the defense academy with the expensive model with a fully equipped cockpit + connected hardware. Game manufacturers have been forced to recall games because they delivered too much information about a certain aircraft type and were too realistic. I myself have participated in a training session at Force Technology in Lyngby/North Copenhagen with a fully equipped bridge and all hardware navigation equipment on a ship connected to a computer system + 3D simulated rough seas out of the front and rear windows in a simulated accident scenario, where the sweat was dripping from the forehead of people. Will you be able to control a ship after this? Not fully, but it is included as an essential component in the navigator training.
The point here is not whether it works, because it does. It is super-efficient and an example of constructive use of technology. The question and the point is, what does the massive consumption of games with overheated war scenarios in a hyper-realistic environment do to the boys at home in the garages and in the men’s chambers? What do you want with these boys between the ages of 10-18-40+, people of conscription age? As with Hollywood and the film industry and in the TV news media, a basic state of expectation and habituation is created beforehand.

A subgenre right now is called The Hunger Game. A female hero a la Lara Croft in Tombraider is unleashed in a cat-and-mouse Robinson Crusoe game, where some evil game masters in the background ar betting on whether she will be able to survive out there in the wilderness. A kind of hardball training ground with deadly darts. One of the Rambo movies had the same setup where Rambo is trying to survive an evil sheriff in a nature park area where they are after him with various gears. One man against the system, you could say, a cinematic subgenre. What kind of scenario is it that we have to practice as an audience? A staged food crisis where we are bombed back to the Stone Age? What are we currently seeing rolling out? Exactly this!
The mark of The Beast
What does it mean, when a system starts to put labels and clear characteristics on the population?
What does it mean, when groups of people are forced to wear a coercive insignia?
Seen in the light and understanding from the above, it can only mean that a war is being prepared or that we are already in the middle of this war.
Who will bear the mark of the beast?
It is not only those who have been forced into the yellow armband, the pariahs, the new-normal-lepers, the anti-vaxxers, the critical disease of society.
It’s also all those who passively stand and watch while they are hiding themselves.
From a campaign I, as a teacher at a media school in the mid-00s, participated in with an organisation called Childrens Conditions, which was about bullying, I learned a little about the psycho-sociology of bullying:
There are the bullies, the thugs.
There is the bullying victim.
And then there is the silent majority.

It can be said very briefly: Bullying cannot take place unless the bully terrorizes his victim and the silent majority at the same time. The majority are afraid to step out of silence for fear of becoming the new victim themselves.
But what psychology also shows is, that all it takes is one connected ex-douchebag to stand up in public and confront the bully and speak out clearly, then the bully collapses like an unstable tin can tower in a supermarket. And what does the silent majority think? Finally someone who says, what we all thought!
Incidentally, the title of the campaign was: Be a hero!
But the psychology / model story also says that the fear is imaginary, unfounded. The bully never has the power he is given, because that’s all it takes to break the spell.
This is what all terror is about. In other words, the same as the cinematic means in a horror film. It’s not what’s happening on the screen that’s scary. It is the audience’s perception of everything that goes on outside the screen, that is frightening.

This is not said to minimize the role of the hero, rather to say that it is not that difficult either, and were there just a few more of this kind in everyday life.
It is also said to point out, that fear is the real enemy.
Seen in today’s light: It is not some virus that is … the virus. It is what fear of the virus makes us do to ourselves and each other at the behest of the fear pornographers.
Attack the loose flank
In a war, you first go after the vulnerable. The loose flank are those that stick out and separate from the main formation. They are the low-hanging fruits of war. The dissidents – now equipped with yellow armbands – are the first to be attacked. The doubters are character assassinated. They are identified, recorded, isolated and eliminated.
The officers have 1, 2 or 3 stitches on the shoulder in the uniform.
Those loyal to the system now have 1, 2 or 3 stitches in their body and behave uniformly.
Clausewitz spoke of the little war. By that he meant minor operations, guerilla tactics, stabbing maneuvers that made life uncertain for enemy troops, loose flanks from one’s own camp.
Class war – not like Karl Marx
The medieval chivalry was also a class struggle. Forget about the industrial working class concept invented by a psychopathic ideologue paid by the upper class to ideologize and mobilize the lower class for a coup d’état.
In the Middle Ages it was the nobility over the bourgeoisie over the peasantry. Like the pieces in the chess game. The knights were often noblemen. Just think of the expense required to pay for a knight in full armor and the years of training that preceded participation in actual warfare. Add to that food and care, because the knight required a squire on the rear line. We are talking about significant resources.
The same culture existed for the samurai in Japan.

Highbrow class society always has problems in the peripheral areas. There are always groupings that strike back. Sweden is a class society. There are all the bigots in government Stockholm, and then there is the rest of the country. This is the reason why the southern Swedes do not like governmet-Stockholm to this day. As a resident of Jungshoved, I am close to a piece of Danish-Swedish history, because this is Svend Pouelsen Gjønge-land. These death-defying partisans from Skåne and Halland, the Göngers or Snaphans (named after their long guns), were the Swedish despot king’s pain-in-the-ass. Svend Pouelsen dragged the government troops around by the nose in partisan warfare (asymmetrical warfare) and subsequently sought refuge in Denmark, which in those years was partially occupied by the Swedes on their way home from the 30 Years’ War down there in Europe. The war that killed half of Europe’s population was a precursor to the world wars of the 20th century. Svend Pouelsen went into the service of the Danish king and was recognized as a brilliant strategist. The enemy of my enemies is my friend.

with the illustration from the first edition of Carit Etlar’s novel Gøngehøvdingen.
In Sweden, it was the underdogs who bit the king in the ass. Swedish society is very divided between teh Stockholm royal regime and Lower Sweden, the huge 2000 kilometer long area with endless forests and small settlements. Interesting why Sweden was kept free as a belligerent power during WW2 – while still producing and selling weapons. Interesting how the looting of Russia after the revolution took place via the network of Swedish bankers. Interesting how Sweden today is owned by a handful of families. Interesting that all the rot that reared its head at the Palm murder and later the sinking of Estonia has Swedish finger- and footprints. Interesting that Sweden is now included into NATO to be an instrument in the WW3-scenario agains Russia.
Read: Shipwrecks that changed the World
In Switzerland they were better prepared then with the peasant armies. Not that Switzerland today does not have an upper class at the top and a population at the bottom. But it is interesting that the country is home to the wildest upper-class segment, the banking syndicates, the BIS (Bank of International Settlement), the WEF (World Economic Forum), the headquarters of the major Masonic lodges, the Octagon brotherhood (which few have heard of), and that The Vatican still has the Schweitzerguard as its house police. AND at the same time, they have direct democracy, and people have a real influence on their daily lives. Perhaps half a millennium later, the spearheads of the peasant armies are still observing the upper class. It could happen again, be careful up there, because it is deep in the people’s souls. In the Alpine countries of Switzerland and Austria, they also have real national counter-currencies: Virgeld and Nurgeld, i.e. local currencies not controlled by the banks but nevertheless recognized and in cooperation with them. They had to in order not to be undermined.

The word debt can be directly replaced with guilt or shame. Before, during and after a war, you will always see blame and initiative smeared on the attacked nation by the attacking nation. Nation can be directly replaced by other terms: organization, army, military pact (NATO etc.), entente, allied grouping, whatever … We are back to the schoolyard here: He was the one who started, yes it was! If the victor is the aggressor, then before-during-after and for propaganda reasons, he will portray himself as the innocent victim of an attack and subsequently describe himself as the heroic victor. This is exactly what happened in connection with World War II.
It would go too far here to give a full account of this statement.
The ultra-short version here is, that Germany was destined by the British Empire to be smashed, pulverized, destroyed. So were the Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Ottoman Empires. Empire can be replaced by Tsardom, Kingdom, Empire or Khalifat, same-same. The shooting in Sarajevo as a prelude to WW1 was a British intelligence operation planned decades before. About 20 heads of state in the world, from Iran to Mexico across Europe, had previously been liquidated by agents of The Crown, the animal behind the scenes in the British Empire. The Crown is not identical to the British Royal Family, so if you think City of London or The The Crown Corportation, you are closer. The royal family aka the queen must politely ask permission before entering The City.
The Crown – we can also call them The British Establishment, the British Deep State or just: the big banking syndicates, especially one of them – call WW1 The Great War. Directly translated: the magnificent, the glorious war. Great is more than just big = voluminous.
After the war, which was lost via the introduction of a biological weapon of mass destruction called The Army Flue (the Spanish flu) at a time when the war was actually settled and closed via the Bretsk-Litovsk Peace but reopened because Dr. Merck – the man who developed the virus for the military, yes the guy with the pharmaceutical company – and colonel Mandell-House – President Wilson’s spin doctor and agent for British Intelligence – promised the US president that they had a secret weapon that could ensure that the US and its allies would be able to smash Germany and subsequently rearrange Europe at will. After a brief consideration and possibly a gun to the head, the president thought it was a very good idea.

After the war, guilt, shame and war taxes were imposed on Germany on a scale unprecedented in history by the alliance of victors. Treaty of Versailles – a one-sided contract that had nothing to do with peace but guaranteed the outbreak of WW2 via the perfidious and completely intolerable nature of the treaty, where Germany was placed in war debt for time and eternity, occupied by French forces in the Ruhr district, robbed of large areas of land, not allowed to have a normal army as a defense force, etc. In addition, Germany, like the rest of Europe, was ravaged by the Wall Street crash staged by the American central bank, the FED, which created a mega-depression until 1933.
The palaver in connection with wars is about who has the right on his side, who is the good one. It is the same palaver that runs when the terms terror, terrorism, terrorist come up. Who has the right to define what is what and who is who? Or rather: who has the POWER to define it? Meaning right is power.
Group punishment
There is a person in a group of people who do not do the same as everyone else. Therefore, the whole group is punished. Within the military it has been strictly prohibited. Nevertheless, it has been practiced as a practice of reprisal and internal terror. It is precisely described in Stanley Kubrick’s film Full Metal Jacket, where a recruit is subjected to various terrorist humiliations from his superior in front of his comrades. The group is punished collectively because he fails to climb over a hurdle in a training field, after which the whole group is punished, because the group will immediately blame him for the punishment.

Pressure breeds counter pressure. Escalation is built-in, programmed into the very essence of war. It is energies that are sent out, which in turn are matched by energies that come back.
What are we experiencing right now in our society, in several societies globally? Collective punishment. People are now directly threatened and punished in workplaces, starting with the government ones.
Case Story
I have it directly on the audio recording of a meeting where I confront two leaders in each of their management layers – immediate section chief and unit chief (notice the titles = military rank), with their illegal policy, after which they said: People out there are afraid and we cannot allow anyone to go out there without a corona passport and vaccination. So the employees were now directly accused of making people afraid, out there. In other words, they were being accused of doing exactly what the leadership had enabled via active and enthusiastic participation in a fear-porn tsunami that had run from morning to morning for two years in a row. THEN DO YOU THINK THAT THERE ARE PEOPLE OUT THERE, THAT ARE FRIGHTENED! But who has frightened them? The managers during the Operation Lockdown were projecting downwards to avoid real responsibility.
Most leaders in a state-political organization were and are completely brainwashed, it must be said. They are convinced that it must be the right thing to do, when an order comes from above. You would think that the higher you go in the system, the more insight you must have. It is not like that. We have to go all the way up in circles in the government itself, the civil service and certain people from e.g. the Danish Health Authority, which, as is well known, are deeply involved in the pharmaceutical industry in order to find the real villains. They are the 5th column of the industry and they operate via their invisible network. If you could produce a network analysis, you would see that they repeat themselves in the same boards and discussion forums, the same lodges – Freemasons or not. You will find them in The House of Industry, Børsen, Axelborg, the gray men and ladies in suits.
NB – interesting angle here. My section chief, Peter Hultberg, was a former military man and trainer at the Military Academy in the Danish Army and had clearance in NATO. The unit chief, Sanne Møller Knudsen was af former researcher paid by The Medical Industry = Novo Nordic = Steno Research Center. So, who’s your sugar daddies? With a delay of 6 months I was was fired from the job, so it wouldn’t seem to obvious, that it was a political firing. The secion chief didn’t like it too much, the unit chief was the false snake in the pit. I was fired for saying to their faces, that they were collaborators in a crime, and noone were exempted from responsibility.

What is the name of this war?
It is the ultimate war, for no possibility of peace or surrender negotiations is offered. Humanity has been given an ultimatum: fall to your knees or die. And even if people fall to their knees, they die anyway.
It is reminiscent of a historical war scenario that is more than 1000 years old. When the Frankish emperor Charlemagne, also called the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, Charlemagne advanced in the Germanic area, he committed one of the biggest acts of hogwash in world history. He slaughtered the Saxons in quite a remarkable way. The Saxons, a tribe that had come down from Jutland and settled in Northern Germany, had a shrine called Irminsul. It was a sacred grove with a huge old oak tree. When a few thousand Saxons had entered the grove and laid down their arms at the entrance, the place was surrounded by the Franks. All were forced to their knees and demanded to convert to Christianity. When they refused, they were forcibly baptized … after which all were beheaded.
We’ll just leave it on the screen for a moment.
It must then be added as an afterthought, that when the other Germanic tribes including the Norsemen saw it, they had no doubt that they had to start the ALL OR NOTHING war. This is what we know as the Viking Age.
Read: The Vikings
The Scandinavians knew that if they did not respond again with asymmetric warfare against the army symmetry and overwhelming numbers of the Franks, then they would be overrun and annihilated. The Danish king Godfred reinforced the Dannevirke fortification. The counterplay started with a monastery in Northern Germany, where the poor monks suffered the same fate as the Saxon men at Irminsul. We will spare you graphic details. Next was the infamous assault on the famous monastery in England, Lindisfarne. The English had just made an agreement with the Franks that the Scandinavians should now be defeated.
What they had forgotten was that the Scandinavians also had an advanced intelligence service, because remember they are called Anglo-Saxons over there on the other side. The Angles were a people who inhabited Southern Jutland and Northern Schleswig and the Saxons were their neighbours. In other words, they were already infiltrated. Also here regarding Lindisfarne, we will spare you the graphic details, because it was not a pretty sight. Nor was it meant to be pretty but to spread terror among the conspirators on both sides of the Channel. As they say even today: the best marketing is word of mouth. After this, starting small and escalating to huge fleets of ships, the waves of voyages into both the Frankish kingdom and England. French historians describe how in his last days Charlemagne stood at the window of his castle and wept that his kingdom was now collapsing. The emperor Augustus had done the same after the violent defeat at Teutoburg in year 9, where three legions + miscellaneous, a total of 25,000 Roman elite soldiers were slaughtered by the Germanic tribes.
Hvad vi bør huske at sige er, at det ikke kun er et ALT ELLER INTET -scenarium for hele verdensbefolkningen. Hvis ikke vi rejser os NU og siger eftertrykkeligt fra, så mister vi ALT – forever!
Det gælder også for de, der har sat dette ultimatum op.
Hvis det går galt for dem, så mister DE ALT! De vil aldrig kunne vende tilbage til deres fordums storhed, AL tillid til dem vil forsvinde, et massivt krav om efterregnskab vil komme op. De skal prise sig lykkelige, hvis de undgår deciderede lynch-scenarier.

Dear reader! Thank you for your patience.
Thank yourself for your patience, because you can’t have avoided learning a little and getting food for thought.
It remains to say that right now we are in the middle of an ALL OR NOTHING WAR scenario. We have been given an ultimatum and we are forced to accept it. There is no way around it.
I would still recommend this conversation between two sharp minds:
Hybrider Krieg – Sind wir mittendrin? Im Gespräch mit Frank Köstler:
And part 2: – Eliten versus Volk: