The King that disappeared
The starting point is a big wonder. Let us begin by noting that the most talked about, quoted, and hailed figure in world history is completely missing in precisely: world history. The man’s name is Jesus. Put another way: the bestseller of them all, the Bible, and more specifically the New Testament, has as its protagonist a figure that later historians apparently cannot find anywhere among contemporary historians and their sources.
Kind of weird, isn’t it?
The sensation of a vacuum is evident. It’s like opening a book where it turns out that every other page and the middle pages as well as a whole lot at the end are torn out. One has to ask oneself here what was written on these pages, and then whether the rest then makes sense.
There are various ways to deal with this alleged peculiarity.
There is the theologian explanation who does not care whether there is historical consistency or not, for Christianity has so far had no trouble hiring followers without having to lean on historical sources and their factuality. If you believe, you do not need to know. Their so-called science called theology takes place in an enclosure that never questions whether the enclosure exists or not. The premise is taken for granted and everything thereafter precludes that there may be something covert about the premise. It is written that Jesus said, ergo Jesus existed, because if he did not exist he could not have said what he said, why could not have written what he said. Does it make sense? It does for theologians. It is called circular argumentation according to the catalog of logical fallacies, ie a special form of logic that bites itself in the tail and forms a closed, unchallenging circuit.
Theologians close the door by referring to the dogma.
Next, there is the historical-academic. They omit Jesus for the simple reason that they cannot spot him. The Bible claims that certain crucial events took place between year 0 and year 33, and if historians take these claims at face value, nothing emerges. Our calendar sets a year ZERO at the birth of Jesus, but the figure on which such an important synchronization is based cannot be verified.
Historians close the door by referring to the confusion of sources.
What about the Jews, they must have known something about Jesus, because he was a Jew? Here we can make the first dive into history. The Judeo-Messianic uprising against the Romans in the years 66-70 was a major pain in the ass for the Romans. And it was not the first time (Judas Maccabaeus about 150 BC) and far from the last time, for the whole ballad continues until into the 2nd century (Simon Bar Kokhba, 132 AD), totaling in 280 year!
Remember that Jesus had a number of names besides Jesus: Christ (the anointed = the king), Immanuel (what does that mean? – Manu-El, where does it come from), Messiah (political-military leader), Rabbi (religious leader – NB, a rabbi was always married!). They all have their own history, each with their own reference to historical conditions and events.
Do the Jews have nothing to say about Jesus? They have indeed. In the Talmud, he is referred to as Balam, to whom they swear most vehemently, by blaming him for the burning down of the Temple in Jerusalem – that is, a fifth name. Here one must ask, what group or sect of Jews, were there several kinds, and why should the Jews not know their Messiah when he appeared? Nevertheless, the man is mocked when he is crucified, and a sixth name is the King of the Jews. The Bible talks about this title throughout the pre-crucifixion scene by being loyal to the Roman narrative.
The Jews close the door by referring to hatred.

A seventh name is the Nazarene. Here it becomes really interesting, because the Nazarene-Jewish sect was a Persian-Gnostic-Egyptian sect within Judaism. We are on the trail of an answer to the question which Jews? Here cracks are appearing in the vocabulary, for Jesus of Nazareth (INRI) is some waffle, as the city did not exist in ancient times. A hint that something else is going on. An eighth name is the Galilean. But did Galilee exist then? Words often have several meanings, and in particular when it comes to crypto-literature and crypto-narratives, like the one or ones we are about to dive into.
If we also remember as a starting point to mention that the separation of religion, magic, science, economics, history, politics and the art of health did not exist in the ancient world, there is a basis for a study of the fabled figure named Jesus, who will show, that a piece of inflamed politics 2000 years ago has shaped the world of today, and that both Christian theologians, Romans, historians, Jews, Muslims – and as sidekick atheists, Satanists and other derailed good people – roam around in confused blindness.
Everyone else closes the door by referring to the total confusion. On the basis of dogma, source confusion, hatred and further confusion, can we conclude that the figure of Jesus did not exist and simply close the book at both ends – both as a theologian and anti-theologian?
Not at all and on the contrary!
The holy grail
There are several ways we can start, and one of them is the legend of the Holy Grail. It is apparently a medieval story, but its real time is the biblical century, the first century.
There are very few scholars who have managed to gather the loose ends and connect Egypt, the Roman Empire, the Bible and the consequences of the decisive, but also highly obscure and encrypted events over the following millennium. And beyond. There is really only one person to date who has done it in a credible and coherent way, and that is the historian Ralph Ellis. The following respectfully refers to his extensive and impressive opus.
The Holy Grail appears in the Arthurian legends. They are about a story that, for political reasons, could not be told straight out, but which someone still wanted to preserve. King Arthur is yet another king who has disappeared from world history and has become a legendary figure. There is a good deal that suggests that it is the 9th name of Jesus hidden away in a circle of intertwined legends and history writing preserved through the Middle Ages.
We shall then see why.

The Grail is a complex thing.
Disclaimer: we are not going for the rough simplifications and convenient jumps this time, although people will immediately jump in and take out a patent on one of these.
Well, it’s just a satanic blood drinking ritual.
Well, it’s just the Da Vinci Mystery by Dan Brown.
Well, it’s just the sign for the female organ, says the spiritual feminist.
Well, it’s just a medieval crown.
Well, it’s just adventure and Indiana Jones and has nothing to do with the case.
Well, we’d rather have a goodnight story.
If you are into dogma, NewAge and other pop music, and if you prefer your own favorite version of the excuse – for example:
Well, Jesus was in fact Buddha and is buried in India,
then click the back button NOW and go to sleep. Maybe he’s buried in Kashmir, India, but that’s not telling a story, it’s just giving the world another mystery and another shrine.
So far, there is nothing wrong with goodnight stories and fairy tales. Rapunzel, Cinderella and Snow White contain deep secrets. The Grail is said, according to Arthurian legends, to be the goblet that contained the blood of Christ. OK, and that is the reason for the sacrament ritual today, where one drinks the blood of a goblet.
Joseph of Aramathea, of whom we shall later reveal the identity, should have taken the blood and gathered it into the cup. Dan Brown is, of course, a pop boy and plagiarist who has to sell his detective stories using an occult plot. But there is a certain substance in the understanding offered by his source, the authors of the book Holy Grail, Holy Blood, that is, the double meaning of San Greal – Holy Grail and Sang Real – the royal (real) blood. That is, the story of the Grail as the blood, the lineage, which is the Egyptian story of Jesus, the last Egyptian Pharaoh (of the house and lineage of David). So we have the first layer about the cup and the crucifixion, which covers the second layer about the blood and the genus.

With this kind of silly and semi-pornographic Disney versions of the classic fairy tales, one can be absolutely sure that the kids will never discover that it’s an esoteric story about the Woman in the Tower – now reduced to an intriguing, self-absorbed cheer leader.
Then the third layer. In Arthurian legends, the Grail is always associated with a princess. She brings the Grail to the round table with the hole in the middle, and all the knights around the table drink from it. In the late editions of the Arthurian legends, Parsifal, the Grail has disappeared. The princess is just holding a piece of green cloth, and the newly arrived knight cannot spot the Grail. The other knights laugh at him, for he does not understand that the Grail IS the princess. The legend does not say it straight out, but it is one of the encryptions that you have to figure out yourself. It’s a riddle, a mystery initiation. The Grail is her lap, and the line of blood flows through the princess.

The line is the wounded fisherman-king. The king’s daughter, Guinevere, is the bearer of the Grail, the blood heirloom. The Grail needs protectors, hence the knights. The Grail then needs a priest chosen as the purest of the twelve knights. His name is Galahad. Here it gets a little weird, because gallus is the castrated rooster, the priest according to tradition has to be a eunuch! The knight Parsifal aka Sir Galahad is simply a eunuch. We do not get the story when we go to church, but in the New Testament it actually says that Jesus asked his disciples to become eunuchs [Matt. 19:11]. So Jesus asks one of his disciples to become a priest for the Grail. It would be superfluous to mention that Jesus and the twelve disciples correspond to the Grail and King Arthur and the Twelve Knights around the round table.
By the way, forget about the sword in the stone.
It is mentioned only once in the perceptive literature.

There are three round tables, all of the same design. Da Vinci misunderstood it when he painted the first table, that is, the table at the Last Supper, as a long table. That the twelve disciples represent the zodiac signs in the zodiac, and that there is a woman present, is true. But the table should have been round. The second round table belongs to Joseph of Aramathea. The third round table belonged to Uther of Pendragon, King Arthur’s father. The king always sits in the middle like the sun in the zodiac. The round table is a zodiac. The king in the middle is either the Sun / Helios, or the North Star, Big Bear, depending on whether you look down at the zodiac or imagine that you look up in the constellations. The name Arthur is a derivation of Ursa (Major) – which hides a piece of etymology here. Urtha and Arthu are a not unusual exchange of vowels within the same consonant structure.
In ancient Syrian tradition, the Last Supper is the same as death and burial. Oddly enough, the only reminiscence of this is the gesture most graciously granted to a person to be executed. The death row inmate can decide for himself what his last meal should consist of. Hallelujah!

The nice teddy bear has a Karlsvogn in its tail. The cart of Karl means the cart of the man, the big bear, Ursa Major. The cart of the women was the Ursa Minor. As you probably know, it points towards Polaris, the North Star, which is the center of the Great Zodiac, which rotates backwards (processes) in the Sky. Hamlet’s Mill Wheel. Shivas Wheels.
The eunuch – the castrated rooster
Galahad was the Galilean, the high priests were called Galli high priests. It is known in official history (Roman) and not only in Arthurian legends. One of the Roman historians, Lucian, describes how the Galli were created. Some play the flute while others get a furious fit, throw off their clothes, grab their swords and cut off their own testicles! The seriously circumcised man runs through the city and throws his cut parts in through a certain window, through which he then receives women’s clothes, which he puts on. Bizarre, but historically correct. The Galli castrated themselves! In India today, there is a eunuch cult named Hajri who does exactly the same thing.

Sir Galahad means the leader of the Galileans, the Galli. That was his title. His name in the legends was Sir Percival (Parcifal), and therefore some confusion arises. Legend has it about three knights, Sir Percival (Lancelot), Sir Boris and Sir Galahad (son of Lancelot). Notice the similarity between Galileans and Galli, for there is a historical connection between Wales and Syria, a piece of ancient immigration history. There is a confusion between Wales and Galilee, Gaul, the Galli, the Celts. But according to the scriptures called the Vulgate Cycles, he was not a Welshman, and according to the original Norman scriptures, there are Galli – that is, Galileans.

How does the image of a feminized eunuch who had castrated himself with the leaders of the Jewish uprising against the Romans in Galilee fit? One might as well ask oneself why the image of Jesus as we have it today shows a feminine figure in women’s clothing?

It can hardly be more perversely symbolically charged. Jesus and the Queen of Heaven in the same icon as the LGBT pop queen. Josephus Flavius describes these eunuch warriors as men who drew their swords, which they had hidden under their women’s garments, and killed their enemies. Sir Galahad dressed himself in red, and if you look at members of the Curia, the papal-Vatican clergy today, they wear red. Popes and bishops carry a fish on their heads. The remnants of the eunuch phenomenon exist as celibacy.

As soon as one begins to identify figures in the two places, in the Arthurian legends and in the New Testament, almost everything falls into place. For example, who was the magician Merlin in the New Testament? He was the greatest magician of his time, Jesus before Jesus. His name was Simon Magus. He was meager, like the magai who in the Christmas gospel are called the Holy Three Kings, ie Persian magicians / priests who, for reasons we will understand later, arrived at the birthplace.
Simon Magus knew all sorts of magical arts. He could fly, he made a boy appear and disappear again. He was the primary student of John the Baptist, whose secondary student was Jesus, as it is written. Jesus raised people from the dead and turned water into wine. Stop here for a moment! Water for wine, where have we heard it before? Historians have not done their homework, because then they would know that the predecessor to Leonardo da Vinci, Hiero of Alexandria, among his many inventions – such as a steam turbine a few thousand years before its invention – had a wine jar consisting of hidden vessels, where via a tap of a finger could open the vessels and shut out wine instead of water. The device was legendary and popular with the Egyptian-Greek upper class. Jesus simply had such a device, and what’s wrong with a little festive entertainment for the upper class, to which he himself belonged?

A rock fortress shaped like Vessica Pisces
Jesus must have known Simon Magus, for they lived at the same time.
In the Parcifal story written by Wolfram von Eschenbach, Merlin / Simon Magus is called Massadan. One inevitably thinks of the rock fortress of Massada, where the Zealots, the messianic rebels, were besieged by the Romans and took their own lives when the fortress was broken. Scholars have this obsession that King Arthur is a Celtic figure from Wales or Normandy, but none of the names are Celtic. The Vulgate Cycles explicitly states that the names come from Aramaic or Chaldean, that is, ancient Hebrew. The name Massadan or Massala means zodiac, and the Arthurian stories are imbued with references to astrology and zodiac.
In the early Arthurian tales, there is a birth scene for King Arthur, but it is actually Hercules’ birth scene. Hercules performs twelve works, Arthur fights twelve wars. The story is not Welsh at all. It is also said that the birth of the king was marked by a comet resembling a dragon with two rays coming out of the dragon’s head. They represent Arthur and his sister, whom he was married to. The fish is astrologically-geometric Vessica Pisces, the exact intersection of two sibling circles, where the radius of one is the center of the other.

In the same way that Simon Magus, the magician, was married to his sister Luna, King Egbarus was married to his sister Helena, and King Agrippa of Judea was married to his sister. It was simply an Egyptian noble custom to marry incestuously. Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene, who was his sister + her sister Martha. He had two wives, suitable and actually mandatory for a man betitled Rabbi – a Jewish rabbi was to be married and have several wives.

Wolfram von Eschenbach with his troubadour harp.
The dragon and the pyramid
So a dragon is not a dragon in Aramaic, it is a fish. The fish’s astrological sign is a fish with two rays / tail fins. King Arthur / Jesus was born at the introduction of the sign of the fish. It tells exactly the year of birth: year 10. Here the shift between Aries and Pisces takes place. Jesus was born as the Lamb of God and became a Man Fisher meaning a Fisher King. Legend has it that King Arthur was born in the sign Draco, the fish in Aramaic. On the famous zodiac from Dendeera in Egypt, there are in the sign of the fish two circles, one for the Sun and one for Venus (Jesus and Mary Magdalene – Arthur and Guineverre). The name of his father, Uther Pendragon must be read ben Draco, for it is an Aramaic name just like all the other names in the legend. That is, son (ben) of a fishing king.

Another sister of King Arthur was Morgane, or rather another name for Guineverre was Morgane. Magdalene means ‘woman of the tower’, because a magdalene is a tower. A certain kind of tower, because in Egyptian a magdal is a pyramid. In the Old Testament, the Tower of Babel, the Babylonian zigurath, is called a valley of power, and it was also a pyramid. Mary Magdalene thus means Mary of the Pyramid. All these figures are Pharaohs from Egypt and had nothing to do with Judea except as settlers. The house and lineage of David allude to the Pharaonic families, for it is only here, in the city of Tannis in Egypt, that the house and lineage of King David and King Solomon can be found (even more kings who disappeared from history). If you put two pyramids, two magdals on top of each other and turn one upside down, you get a maggan, a Star of David – Maggan = Morgane. It is also called the Star of Mary, ie Venus, the primary goddess of Egypt and the entire Middle East. Isis was called Ast, hence Ishtar, Esther, Asterith, Astarte.

There are those who believe that the number of legs on the star is crucial. Some demand five legs because Venus describes a five-leafed flower in its orbit. Others demand eight legs. The point here is not so much the number of legs, but the STAR * the Asterisk.
And Gweneverre in Welsh. How? There is a Welsh connection here, for Friday in Welsh is called gwen. In all languages of the Middle East and Europe, Friday is Venus Day, the Jewish Sabbath evening. Veneres (Italian), Vendredi (French), Freitag / Friday (Germanic) are Freya’s day, and Freya is Venus. The Virgin Mary was known as Stella Maris, the Star of the Sea, which in Greek is Aphrodite, ie Venus again. The queens are all Venus incarnations. Tristan and Isolde, Pelleas and Mélisande, several variations of the Arthurian legends, several copies of the legendary siblings.
And by the way, Pelleas and Mélisande, the French version of the story, are set to music in a symbolist Opera by Claude Debussy, who is on the list of grandmasters of the Priory de Zion lodge. A time of symbolism, medieval revival = neo-Gothic, a time when Wagner writes a cycle about the Ring and operas such as Parsifal and Tristan and Isolde. A Belle Epoque where the World was not yet completely shattered by industrialism and world wars. A Romantic Period Remembering that romance is a medieval concept.

The Stone
We now know who cares for the Holy Grail. But what was it? If you ask the author of Parsifal, Wolfram von Eschenbach, who got his information from Flegetanis, a (female) astrologer, then the Grail is a rock. There is some confusion here, for the Princess of Edessa was called by that name. And Jesus was of the royal family from Edessa in Syria. The Grail was Lapis Exilis, the Stone from Heaven, a magnetic meteorite (cf. the Kaaba in Mecca). The headstone was called Elagabal. It was said of the stone that it came with aliens from space, and was given to King Elagabalus, the father of Jesus, in the Testament called Joseph. The stone was also the BenBen stone from Egypt, which became the Omphalos stone in Greek. Wolfram says the grail stone was the Phoenix. What does the Phoenix do? It dies and is resurrected – like Jesus Christ.

Compare the Omphalus stone, or as it was called in Edessa: the Elagabal stone with the traditional crown of the kings of Edessa. And on the cover of Ralph Ellis’ book is also the image of a contemporary coin depicting King Isas Manu of Edessa. So there is a contemporary portrait of the historical Jesus on a coin!
The high priest who was set to take care of the stone was Skt. Peter in the New Testament and Sir Galahad in the legend. Peter in Greek means stone. His real name was Simon, but he was given the name Peter Kiefas – stone in both Greek and Aramaic. So in the New Testament there is also a Grail Keeper. Skt. Peter was therefore a eunuch, and as the guardian of the Grail by Nazarene order he was to be a eunuch. Remembering the story of the Mount of Olives, where a ceremony took place in which an ear was cut off. But was it now an ear that was cut off, for a boy escaped naked? The ear was rather a set of testicles belonging to Peter, who became the next Sir Galahad, the Galilean, the Grail Guardian. In the legends, Skt. Peter Sir Percival = Parzifal, who also castrated himself.
Skt. Peter’s father is Joseph of Aramathea, Sir Lancelot. Skt. Peter’s keys are from the don-key, the donkey that belonged to Joseph of Aramathea. Sir Persival is described as a fool, a fool, a fool. Josephus (Flavius) alias The Apostle Paul did not like Peter, whom he called a fool, as we can read in Acts. Josephus / Paulus, the Roman agent, was hired to promote the pro-Rome, pacifist version of Judaism called Christianity or Judaism Lite. In Arthurian High History, Sir Percival is called a fool.

The Temptation of Parcifal.
As the guardian of the Grail, one must be able to resist that kind.
Are you still there? 🙂 The story is complex, but we have not promised anything else. The complexity consists of the constant exchange and doubling of names. We will later understand the concept of pesha, which is a Jewish literary and verbal conversion technique, a trick cultivated and perfected by the people of the book.
The main character in the legend is Joseph of Aramathea. Remember the scene from the third Indiana Jones movie where Harrison Ford falls into a rat pit and finds the grave. It’s in the same movie where he ends up in the Temple of Petra with the Grail, which is just a dusty cup – somewhat disappointing and a little flashy. By the way, he is being castrated / beheaded by a huge sword that comes out of nowhere. Spielberg has known something as a member of the Jewish Kabbalist tradition, but how much does he know about the full story when it comes down to it? It’s that story we’re after, not the version of Hollywood and the Kabbalistic mind-fuckers.
While we are at Petra, it has been shown that the earliest Islamic mosques do not point to the hole in the desert known today as Mecca. They point to Petra, Edom, the home of the tribe of Esau that later disappeared, the Nabataean / Sabbattean culture. Strife ensued and the city governor was forced to disappear from the scene. He and his entourage settled 700 kilometers south in the present-day Saudi desert. Here later appears a guy who’s trade was to plunder caravans. He later became known as the Prophet Muhammad.
Am I insulting Islam now? Dear friends, we are all deceived. We are heavily sweeping right now for our own door, so maybe others should do the same. Islam, as well as Judaism and Christianity, have their black holes and lost history. The world of religions is full of desert robbers, spin doctors, tax collectors and hypocrites who try to coup human souls and sell themselves as intermediaries for man’s relationship with his Creator.
The Knight
Joseph of Aramathea – who was this ‘knight’? He was a colleague of Emperor Vespassian. Josephus of Aramathea and his son named Josephus – a little confusing, were they one or two persons? – is sent by the emperor to Sarus, halfway to Babylon. On this trade and pilgrimage route lies the city of Palmyra.
Why these paraphrases of names of places? Because there is a prohibition against mentioning both Palmyra and Edessa in a biblical context. Josephus Flavius does not mention them, understandably, since he and an editorial team are the authors of the New Testament, all inclusive. The Arthurian legends do the same: Palmyra has disappeared and is now called Sarus.
A side step: ISIS has recently destroyed Palmyra. A 2000-year-old confusing dispute is thus maintained. Someone is also today aware of the catchphrases of history. And what does Sarus mean in Aramaic? It means eunuch. It is the city of the eunuchs, the city of the Galileans.

Josephus as Caliph – or just the ancient version of Joseph Goebbels?
No one today knows of Edessa, even though it was a famous place with famous kings and queens in ancient times. The king of Edessa saved the inhabitants of Jerusalem from starvation in the year 47. The queen of Edessa bought and presented to the Temple the giant gold candelabra, menorahs. The king is even mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles under the name Agabus. King Egbarus is well known in the Syrian sources, and his wife was Queen Helena. These peoples have been erased from the history books during the Roman Empire. With the rise of Islam, this area, this enclave, became isolated from the rest of the world and lay like an island in the middle of the Caliphate. Therefore, here too, a special and different tradition and a valuable knowledge has been preserved, which has kept itself free from the totalitarian unification of both the Roman state and the Caliphate.

Remains of Edessa in present-day Sanliurfa, Turkey
However, not completely free. Josephus Flavius was hired by Emperor Vespassian to write a complete and satisfying story about the Jewish uprising in Judea in the 1st century. Satisfactory to the Romans, Satisfactory to the enemies of the Romans. The emperor was anxious to quell all uprisings in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and the Jews had given the Romans plenty to look after. Josephus’ book was intended to describe how any new attempt to rebel against the Empire would be crushed. So it was a political, designer ideological propaganda.
The emperor sent Josephus (Paul) to Adiabeni on the other side of the Euphrates, halfway to Babylon, and Adiabeni is Josephus’ replacement name for the city, which according to the Romans must not be mentioned by its real name, Edessa, the capital of the rebellious royal family of Egyptians and Persians roots that started the Jewish uprising also known as the Messianic movement. The Arthurian legends – the forbidden biblical story, encrypted and preserved for posterity – say exactly the same thing about Joseph of Aramathea and his travels. Here it simply says that ‘God’ sent Joseph to the place to convert the inhabitants of the place to Christianity, that is, the new Judaism-Lite created to passivate the rebellious, hardcore Jewish sects that gave the Roman Empire such great problems. Here one simply has to replace ‘God’ with Vespassian, Sarus with Palmyra and Adiabeni with Edessa, the two capitals of the rebellious kingdom

Palmyra before this unique Syrian world site was bombed by ISIS on orders from the United States, NATO, Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Kings and queens apparently disappear into the black holes of world history, and the same goes for cities, peoples, and events, at will and need.

Isas Manu
King Isa Manu of Edessa is King Jesus Immanuel from biblical history, and Joseph of Aramathea aka Josephus Flavius aka Paul has a difficult mission. He has written the book on the Jewish uprising as a propaganda script to get its reading target group to disarm themselves for fear of being smashed by the Roman legions. Rome does not know what their enemies will do with the army that has wreaked so much havoc on the empire in the area and which they still possess. The Romans fear the Nazarene sect, for their religion is extremely belligerent and aggressive.

Josephus travels to Sarus / Palmyra and meets King Evalach Mordrane, who no one knows who is, because that is another of Josephus’ cryptic words. In Jewish terminology, it is called pesha, which is a technique for hiding a person’s name and identity by calling them by names from the past belonging to persons with whom they have a resemblance. Arthurian history is so far pesha. Avalach is a synonym for Son of Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king who destroyed Jerusalem before the same thing happened during the Jewish revolt.
There was a figure who before Jesus did the same – and here it gets complex. In the Talmud, Jesus, King Isas Manu of Edessa is known as Balam, and he is blamed for the destruction of Jerusalem. In the Qur’an he is called Issa. Not Joshua, it’s nonsense, because it’s not a Persian name. Because he started the revolt against the Romans, and because the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, it was his fault. So according to the tradition / technique pesha, you could call Jesus Nebuchadnezzar if you wanted to. Who just recently claimed he was an incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar? None less than Saddam Hussein of Iraq! Interesting.

The theme of son and father in the New Testament suddenly takes on a completely different dimension than the Creator of the Universe and his incarnation – and admittedly, who out there with a piece of healthy intuition has not long ago lurked that angle? Maybe you, like me, have not had concrete words and concepts to put on your common sense intuition, but using Ralph Ellis’ opus, we can get a handle on the concepts today.

A strange allusion in the first Matrix movie to a link between Jesus and Nebuchadnezzar by referring to Mark 3, 11, which is about the unclean spirits who fell at their feet and shouted: You are the One!
The kingdom, with Edessa as its capital, stretched from Edessa to Amida across Palmyra down to Pella south of Damascus, and the kingdom’s name was Orenia. Today, the city is located on the other side of the Turkish border and is called Sanliurfa. Orenia as a name is interesting, for Orange was the name of the settlement of the royal family in the South of France, where Mary Magdalene settled after the diaspora. Oranje is the name of the family that later emigrated to the Netherlands, and William of Oranje is the name of the king who was exported to England during the Reformation.
Genealogy in elevator version
It says that Jesus was of David’s house and lineage. Jewish archaeologists (Finckelstein, et al.) Have not been able to find any evidence that the most powerful and richest kings of the time resided in the modest village that Jerusalem was in 950 BC. In contrast, there are figures, a temple, a hexagonal star, and other historicities that fit the description, in the form of the city of Tannis in Egypt. Theologians are always confused and speechless if you ask them to explain why Jesus had a family history – and at the same time was the product of a virgin birth and son of God.
It’s almost embarrassingly funny. But if one studies the conditions surrounding the Egyptian pharaohs, then they were all sons of God, with names like Thut-Mosis (Thoth), Ra-Moses (Ra), Amon-Hotep (Amun), Aachen-Aton (Atum), etc. The names of God are built into their sir names. But it was strictly forbidden to look in that direction if one did not want to offend the Church and one loved his life. Who does not? For the same reason, this immense vandalism took place when Napoleon was in Egypt, for the secret societies operating in the empire had come on the trail that there were whole complete passages from the Bible inscribed with cartouches – written centuries before the Bible. They had to be destroyed.

Each time its aesthetics. This is how Constantine Grasso saw in 1678 a baroque scene
between Caesar and Cleopatra.
More specifically, within a few generations, Jesus’ lineage is a daughter of none other than Queen Cleopatra and Julius Caesar. This daughter was given as a gift, that is, as an arranged political marriage, to the Persian king. She later had to flee Persia as she had taken the life of her husband. With her, she brings a small army of 600 horsemen and 200 servants and family, and they settle in year 4 in Edessa, which becomes one of the largest and richest cities in the entire Roman sphere. That is, she also brought with her significant parts of the Persian treasury. She is known from Josephus as Theramusa of Orenia. She corresponds to the Virgin Mary, but mari was not a name, it was a title of a female priest. Her new husband, similar to Joseph, is called Manobases – again according to Josephus. Egbarus is a better bid, and his sons are Manu V and Manu VI, one of whom is Isas Manu, Jesus Immanuel.
The story of Jesus hanging out with tax collectors was one of Josephus’ paraphrases. It was all about tax evasion, for the royal family of Orenia refused to pay taxes to the Roman Empire. The birth scene itself from Bethlehem – another city that, like Nazareth, did not exist – where visits came from three priests from Persia, the lean ones, only makes sense because Jesus, despite his parents’ displeasure, was still by birth Persian Prince and thus heir to the throne. The Queen of Orenia has the meaning Queen of Heaven, and the Kingdom of Orenia therefore means Kingdom of Heaven, Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore he can declare to his company in Judea that his Father lived in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Prince of Persia as a computer game character
Jesus is not a figure from year 0 to year 33. He is a figure from around year 60 and born in year 10. So he was a man of about 50 when he was clustered on the cross for with his brother Jacob (eng James) to have started the Jewish revolt. Josephus actually has a person named Jesus of Gamallah (Isas of Kamma), a rebel leader whom he hunts around Judea as an officer. Hence the statement ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?’ It is rather ironic that Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus but is created by his worst enemy. Josephus / Saul also calls him the Egyptian false prophet. He is crucified with the crown of thorns, the traditional helmet-like crown worn by the kings of Edessa, and in a purple cloak, a color that could only be worn by the Roman emperor. The king of the Jews was more ambitious than that, for he went not only for royal power in Judea, but for the very title of emperor in Rome! With that lineage he was fully entitled to it, and the imperial throne was empty at that time.

Yet another rewriting of the Legends in a slightly more politically correct, guilt-ridden version with Orlando Bloom as the defender of the Holy City.
Do you see the similarity with the Prince of Persia in the computer game?
There were three street robbers on the cross in the Kidron Valley – one of whom was a Prince of Persia. He also corresponds to the description of the star prophecy, which is about a king from the East being born under a star and becoming the next Emperor of Rome. He is pulled down from the cross with the permission of the governor, Titus, by Joseph of Aramathea aka Josephus aka Saul / Paul. Emperor Vespassian, on the other hand, had no claim to the imperial throne, he was a simple army commander, and he needed legitimacy. Therefore, a strange figure is summoned to Alexandria, where he resides, a figure called Basileis. He is lame, has a distorted shoulder and is blind in one eye, injuries he sustained at the crucifixion. This is confirmed by the Talmud, which says the same thing. To save his life, he must transfer the star prophecy and legitimacy to Vespassian, who steals a prophecy and puts it in his own pocket. And becomes the Emperor of Rome.
Thereafter, Basileis aka Jesus is sent into exile to the most remote locality in the Roman Empire in relation to Judea, England. Here, in the year 75, a Guantanamo prison was built for special political prisoners, where he is exiled and contained – minus his wife, who is sent into exile in Orange in the south of France. They were not allowed to produce more children than they had already done.
The place in England was called Fortress Diwa and was located outside the law of the land in Chester, where a special enclave on the site was built in the shape of a Vessica Pisces. There was a built-in Jewish bathhouse, there was a zodiac on the round table – which was oval – there was a built-in Jewish temple or as we would say synagogue. A quite unusual construction. Jesus never left the place, and died at the age of 76 in the year 86. Ralph Ellis has a qualified bid on where he was buried, and the funeral church in Jerusalem is the worst bid in the world, as the dead were never buried within the city walls. but on the other hand on the Mount of Olives. But it is not a good offer either.
What about Stonehenge? It makes far more sense due to the astrological construction of the place, and it is supported by the Arthurian legends and Geoffrey of Monmouth. King Arthur would have been buried at Stonehenge, which could be identical to Avalon. Stonehenge was no longer operational at the time, as the Druids were exterminated by the Romans.

Is there a King buried here?
Fortress Diwa has today been leveled and a parking garage has been built on the site.

Read the actual and original texts.
Joseph of Aramathea is sent to Palmyra with his propaganda script in hand to meet with King Issa’s son = Jesus’ son called Evalach to persuade him to surrender and convert from Nazarene Judaism to simple Judaism = Christianity. The king refuses, after which Joseph threatens him to send the Parthian king and his army.
This piece of pesha = falsification of history is so perfect that modern academia does not grasp anything of what was going on in the 1st century. With the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th century, the writing of history collapsed in the same way as the logistics of the Empire. We know for sure that up to half of the population of the Roman Empire perished as a result of the collapse. It started in 410, and the last decade between 470-80 it went eerily fast.
It should serve as an example of what happens to a totalitarian Empire when it has made its populations dependent on centralized logistics. Local self-government was put out of operation in advance. The dark ages consisted in addition to poverty, famine and plague of a spiritual eclipse due to the lack of solid documentation of events, making it possible for historians to turn up all the taps for full pressure.
The term The Dark Ages is by no means a misnomer at the moment, although modern historians have tried to profile themselves by claiming the opposite (they must also live, so they have found a gimmick to promote themselves …). In addition to poverty, plague and other mass destruction, the lack of knowledge was a serious problem in the Dark Ages. It became a black hole in time where you could throw everything down.

And they did. Events of the 1st century that were taboo for political reasons, ancient geopolitics, were thrown into the black history hole. For obvious reasons. The people who wrote Vulgate Cycles, 9 thick and difficult to read volumes with densely written 3000 pages, knew the forbidden story. Their names were Walther Matt and Robert de Boron, but it’s hard to imagine they were alone. These peoples were monks and historians in the 11th-12th centuries, and how did they know the history that had already been lost in the 1st and 2nd centuries? A time-lapse of 1000 years.

The Knights Templars
Historians – quite a few – in the Middle Ages knew the story. One of them was Geoffrey of Monmouth. He did so because a well-known group of warrior monks had sought out this knowledge in connection with the Crusades and had passed on their knowledge to quite a select few, among whom he was. The well-known, famous, infamous – according to pleasure and need – Knights Templars had the special purpose of their participation in the equally well-known expeditions to find evidence of the lost history and bring it back to where they came from. After which they could not speak loudly about their newly acquired knowledge. What was the crusade against the Cathars in the south of France all about, where the Knights Templar deliberately chose not to participate? It was about the existence of a group that knew the history and continued the Nazarene, Essene and Galilean direction of Judaism, which the Church of Paul aka the Roman Empire aka the Papal State, the heir of the Empire, had suppressed and did not want to re-emerge.

Knights astray. Maybe they were looking for a special book?
How do we know that? We know this because the first crusade took a strange route. Instead of heading directly for Jerusalem, the train turned in the direction of … Edessa, the city that did not exist after the 1st century. And what did they go for? They went after a scholar named Justus of Tiberias’ story of the Jews, a book that no longer exists, but which we know existed according to Josephus Flavius aka Joseph of Aramathea aka the Apostle Paul, who harasses over this very book and calls it a work full of forgeries. In other words, a statement from a professional history forger, bought and paid for by the Roman state to rewrite the history of the Jews for propagandistic purposes, which here calls for special attention to the book, which he for obvious reasons did not like!
Protestants today love Paul. They can not get enough of the Song of Love – and it is very emotional, because the greatest of all is Love – and the Acts of the Apostles. Again: Christianity has nothing to do with Jesus, but everything to do with Paul. Protestants love him because he was a reformer, but they have no idea that he was just a cunning spin doctor, a forger of history, and a Roman agent. A turn coat that one moment is a Jewish aristocrat, the next an army commander who hunted rebels, the third moment gets a rare bright moment on the way to Damascus – before I was blind, but now I see – for finally, when the seat burned under him, was helped to Rome, where he became Vespassian’s spin doctor and propaganda minister, Joseph Göbbels in his time – and as frighteningly competent.

Göbbels as the apostle Paul. Remember Göbbels was a skilled historian.
Since we have been so bold as to say the T-word for the Knights Templar, it is equally worth remembering that this does not say anything about the idea of acquiring the story that the Catholic Church did not want to publish for all in the world. It could very well be thought of as a tool for extortion. Nor do we say anything about here that they had other purposes with the trip. Some have guessed at technology, others have guessed about treasures. One could well get the idea that all the wild rumors about their horrors were a smokescreen that they were already happy with at the time. The gentleman above and his colleagues in the Third Reich were certainly not unfamiliar with the tales, and all indications are that they took them very seriously.
Historians, both in antiquity and in the Middle Ages, could not describe the real story, an exquisite insult to those in power both then and later and therefore a sure starting point for those in power to give the knowledgeable with the open mouths a … close shave. So the few knowledgeable were referred to cover the story in the pesha way. That is, by placing events and figures out of time and place by renaming and relocations in the form of Arthurian historiography. Conveniently enough, anyone who feels like it can call it gossip and legends, when in reality it contains the real story in encrypted form.

In Foster’s Prince Valliant – King Arthur for children – the gruesome dragon has become an oversized croc. And what exactly had we learned about the dragon, the zodiac sign Draco? To go Aramaic: it was a fish.
100,000 Africans, according to the Arthurian legends and Geoffrey of Monmouth, should have invaded England from Ireland under the command of Gormand of Isenbard! May not? Another easy reason to refer the legends to the category of tales, an African army in Ireland, bunkum! A troubadour song is besinging this Gormand of Isenbard.

This flourishing medieval poetry and associated musical tradition is a whole chapter in itself. The troubadour often sings the hopeless and unresolved romantic love – the word romantic comes from here. It has been explained that the troubadour was a wandering skald hired by noble women for their entertainment, after which he fell in love with them, but his relationship with the noblewoman remained platonic, for he could never have her.
Unrequited love became a theme in itself from the Middle Ages until its return in the 19th century of romance and until today in a Hollywood-perverted version. But something else is at stake, and the troubadour tradition, or as it is called in Germanic Memorial Song, the song of remembrance, is an origin of Arthurian history. We have it from Wolfram by Eschenbach to Richard Wagner, who composes an opera entitled Parcifal. The actual unresolved love story is about the separation of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, who are forced into exile by order of Emperor Vespassian to the South of France (Orange) and Chester (Fortress Diwa), England, respectively. About that later.

I Google-searched on Isenbard and got Isengard. Not a bad choice at all, for the Lord of the Rings, like Wagner’s Ring, is unthinkable without the Arthurian legends.
Back to Gormand of Isenbard. Of course, this is not about Africans in Ireland, but about North Africans invading the South of France in the eighth century. All the former Christian territories of the Middle East and North Africa had been conquered by the aggressive expansion of Islam, and now the turn had come to France. We know of the Moors’ invasion of Spain, where it took centuries for the Spaniards to expel them, but few know of the French invasion all the way up to the city of Tours, where they were repulsed by Charles Martell (surname: The Hammer – interesting, for Maccabaeus / maccaba also means the hammer). A piece of pesha.
Later, the Muslim hordes returned and invaded Provence to the city of Orange, an independent principality ruled by a princess. We recognize Orange as the Syrian exile settlement, whose first princess was Mary Magdalene, sister and wife of Isas Manu of Edessa = the historical Jesus who for political reasons disappeared from history helped along the way by the spin doctor, the forger of history, the Roman agent Josephus Flavius aka Joseph of Aramathea aka the Apostle Paul.
The author of Parcifal, Wolfram von Eschenbach, wrote another book, lesser known as Willehelm. It’s about William, who was Prince of Orange. In the late eighth century, he did the same as Charles Martell and displaced the Muslims from France, forcing them to flee across the Pyrenees to Spain. It is again the same story and in the past 600 years it was no longer the Romans who had to be thrown out, but the Muslims. That was what the crusades were about, i.a. it is usually said that the Crusades started in 1069, but they started long before, with Charles Martell, and continued with William of Orange a few decades later in the same century. Eschenbach rewrites Arthurian history. In Italy, there is also a variation of King Arthur named Roger 1, who threw the Muslims out of Italy. The character Arthur can be inflected in many ways.

Is not it a tower she holds in her hand?
Or is it her alabaster jar?
The Princes of Orange in the South of France later became Princes of the Netherlands under the title The House of Orange. They become the royal family involved in the Reformation in the 16th century. It can be said that the fronts were the same as a year and a half ago, when they fought the Roman state, and now under the direct heir of William III, the Roman Church, the Catholic Church. This William was now imported to be king of England. He threw James 1 (under Louis XIV) out of Ireland, a conflict we know today in the form of the IRA, Sinn Fein and Ulster. This eventually caused the whole of Northern Europe to become Protestant. We are not going to go further into the religious wars here, as it is a complex story, but simply identify a single pattern. The pattern can also be seen later in the form of the Napoleonic Wars, as well as they could be seen as early as the ninth century during the Viking expeditions against the Francs and Emperor Charlemagne / Charlemagne. Although there are several reasons why the Reformation came as a new and worse plague or at least as a necessary evil, we would not have had the science as we know it or the industrial revolution if William had not won the Battle of Boyne in 1690.
It is becoming more and more difficult to write off the Arthurian history, because it describes all the events and figures that have been co-creators of the modern world. One could, for example, take the view that the war in Syria in the Obama era was about the repetition of an old theme. The new Roman Empire, US-CIA-NATO had arrived on the scene again, this time with the Muslim hordes, even though ISIS has little to do with Islam, and despite the fact that Islam was so divided and corrupt (Wahhabized) in the meantime, that they were unable to unequivocally distance themselves from the abuse of religion that takes place. A king in Syria is laid to rest for hatred. Palmyra was destroyed by the terrorist hordes, while the Zionists on the other side of the border clapped their hands in joy. A 2000-year-old fiery and unresolved theme had once again been unleashed, with the same kinds of actors and enemy images as then. If someone comes and claims that there is no connection and that it’s all coincidences, then there is a printed idiot in their head!

Syria was overrun with pervese pigs like those – commissioned by the Empire and ordered to destroy the remains of the past Palmyra
And history falsification over again, it takes place in the media with Fake Corporate News across the board. Suppression of knowledge takes place exactly as in the Dark Ages, where knowledgeable persons had to encrypt history as legends and myths. We are in the process of repeating The Dark Ages, and the Earth has become flat for the second time! Let us hope that future historians – the true historians, not the globalist playwrights and Empire besingers – will in their time have something good to write home about, and that the New Dark Age contains the germ of its own contradiction. A prerequisite for this is that all the repressed and forbidden stories are given an opportunity to come to light. If not, the wheel of history will just grind on in the same groove, with the same twisted fronts, enemies, and false explanations.