• Essayism,  Politics

    The Babel syndrome and the two timelines

    There are basically two existential threats to humanity (according to Jordan Peterson) The first enemy is nature in its ruthlessness.This is the original threat in the form of wildlife and natural disasters.The enemy was certainly not unequivocal, for nature could also…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  Philosophy

    Creative dualism

    In a lecture by John Cleese called Creativity in Management, he begins by stating that creativity is not a talent. It’s a way of operating. One method can be said. He then adds that it is not related to IQ –…

  • Essayism,  Philosophy

    The tooth of time

    Our world is filled with marvelous inventions, whose purpose is to save time and effort. Especially in the last half of the last century it has gone really fast. Most of these inventions are consumers of electricity. We would not…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History,  Politics


    There is something to suggest that people have had enough and have begun to demand else and more than TV propaganda reality, globalist theater smoke and shutdown nonsense. At the same time, it suggests that people – enough to be…

  • Culture,  Economy,  Essayism,  History,  Poetry


    I just learned a new word.It’s called klepto-parasite.I think it has potentials. Specifically, it appeared with a special prehistoric species of giant bears,who once roamed the North American prairies 10,000 years ago,and later lurched down the newly established land strip…

  • Essayism

    All I wanna say

    A Case Study about the Victims of a Perfidious Industry Ihave said it before. Allow me to go a little further into this case.This music video could be important for you and me to reflect on: The whole case of…

  • Essayism,  Politics

    They were wrong ?

    Subtitle: They made mistakes from end to end – or they did not make mistakes and did so on purpose.A more condensed title could be: Science – mistake or forgery The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make…

  • Art,  Culture,  Philosophy

    Life, Death and The Music

    There is nothing more original than life itself.So what is the best way to celebrate life?To give something original back to life.Wayne Shorter I think time is only one moment. That’s all the time there is.So yesterday, today and tomorrow…

  • Essayism,  Philosophy

    What’s going on?

    There are many ways to view it. What’s going on? – is one of the questions, and this is where the view arrives.What is the view angle, and what are we focusing on? What are they doing? What are we involved in since we are part…

  • Novel_ShortStory

    An appointment with the boss

    Good day, how may I be of assistance? I have an appointment with the Boss. The secretary behind the table in the huge vestibule did not signal exactly what one usually understands by courtesy. It must then be said that…

  • Essayism,  Poetry

    God and other trivia

    The childhood faith You lost the childhood faith, my friend.Is not that what we all did – back then?One day, the cartoon pictures, the fat baby angel with toy trumpets and Santa Claus were no longer credible, and then they…

  • Essayism,  History,  Philosophy


    Possession – what do we think?Do we get the association of our earthly possession, ownership or maybe stolen goods?Or do we come to think of the kind of obsession / possession we have seen in movies like The Exorcist, a…

  • Economy,  Essayism,  Politics


    There is a country that has been and still is ruled by the mafia. It is one among many, but the size and significance means, that we have to deal with it. You had guessed what we’re talking about: the…

  • History,  Philosophy

    The 8th sphere

    The concept was created by the English theosophist Alfred Percey Sinnett and further developed by the philosopher Rudolf Steiner – or whatever title one would like to give to this figure and multi-talented marginalized among philosophers. The Establishment could not…

  • Essayism,  History,  Politics

    Nobels peace price – a joke

    One would think that an international peace prize was intended for people who had seriously accomplished something for world peace. In other words, excellent people whose intentions and achievements were in beautiful harmony with each other, and who had brought…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History

    The Black Pope

    Let’s talk/write about faith, religion and GOD. Is it because the undersigned poetic essayist and commentator is professing and believing? It’s not that simple. I occasionally wear a gold cross around my neck. I switch to Thor’s hammer when I…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History,  Philosophy

    The Cult

    It used to mean something else. The word CULT. Something other than what we understand by cult today. We live in times when old concepts undergo a perversion. Like the word myth. Once it meant epic world explanation, storytelling, today it implies…

  • Essayism,  History,  Politics

    The Communist Manifesto

    … and why today more than ever we need to understand a seemingly discarded manifesto * from 1848 * Manifesto:A formulation of an intention aboutmanifesting = to bring to reality. The formulation, the manifesto from 1848, which was later to…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  Politics

    Battlefield Internet

    We have seen ugly things in our time. But have we seen the worst yet? It might get really ugly soon. The lizard spawn is still active, even though the dragon’s head has been chopped off, and for the first…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  History,  Philosophy

    The Protocols

    The introduction In the 1920s, the world saw a document that outraged in several ways. That parted the waters. As you know, the Empire is very fond of divided waters, when only the waters flow among their subjects and separate them.…

  • Art,  Essayism,  Philosophy,  Science

    In the beginning was sound

    This is an examination of the secrets behind frequencies seen in a musical perspective. Let’s start with a postulate. The six tones in the scale have a particularly universal frequency. This frequency is not relative, but absolute. Disclaimer:I already hear…

  • Culture,  Essayism


    Feminist ideology has tried – and unfortunately with some success – to convince the world that masculinity is toxic and that men should therefore be mentally amputated in a feminine direction and women the opposite. Because then we will probably…

  • Art,  Culture,  History

    Notes on Goethe

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)The core of his philosophy of life: Man is not defined by what he is, but by what he does. Read with the quote in the picture, it means that ignorant people with power are the…

  • Economy

    Capitalism – really?

    What makes it so difficult to talk to both the right and the left about the concept of capitalism, and thus also about economics in general, is that neither right-liberalism nor left-liberalism, which calls itself socialism, seem to have a…