• Essayism,  History,  Politics


    NATO Created with the stated purpose of defending the West against enemiesand a guarantee that another World War would never break out again. One thing is a stated purpose, another thing is what someone has in mind.Because when the enemies…

  • Culture,  Politics

    The Control State out of control

    A system goes wildly out of control if it is not stopped, while it is in the process of getting out of control to a milder degree.Jordan Peterson, quoting Viktor Frankl – psychologist, German concentration-prisoner-of-war camp survivor – and Alexander…

  • Economy,  Essayism,  History

    Systemic State Corruption

    Allow me as a Danish commentator and author to use the political conditions of my country as an example of the the way, States, countries, governments let themselves be corrupted. I can guarantee you with 100% certainty, that you will…

  • Art,  Culture,  Essayism

    Business HaraKiri

    Let’s try something new today.Usually, you skip intermediate calculations in a writing process.Notes and ideas are stepping stones to something else, and then they are deleted.The title may well be a working title and be changed later, but today we…

  • Culture,  History,  Politics

    The anatomy of genocide

    Recently, war propaganda is being taken up against Iran – again. In the current iteration, the group which our humanitarian concerns are supposed to be brought to bear upon are the Bahai. The hysteria says that the Iranians are about…

  • Philosophy,  Poetry,  Politics

    ISMS for dummies

    Mammonism: Nihilistic displacement of God with money, via mafia structures created by the global mammon-oligarchy. It involves monopolization and usury and constant war. Societies run by mammonists are places of non-production¸non-self-sustenance, non-employment and no future.  Example par excellence these days: the British society run by the mammonists…

  • Culture,  Essayism,  Philosophy

    Get out of the city

    The city is an ambivalent place.It is attractive and repulsive at the same time.It is a cultural magnet and a decadent fly paper. It has a creative pulse and it has destructive stress.The amount of people broadens the possibilities and narrows the free space.It has human company to…

  • Art,  Culture,  Psychology

    The power of play

    Some years ago I was walking the Haute Randonnée Pyrénéenne, which is the High Route of the Pyrennees. It is a path that crosses the highest passes of the mountain chain from the Mediterranian to the Atlantic Ocean more or less…

  • Culture,  Philosophy

    The loss of innocence

    Well, what is your hobby then? people were asked decades ago. Duh, I play golf, they replied.Or: I collect half-rusted cake tins from the interwar period.Or also: I like to rummage under my Opel Kadett 1963 … vintage car you know!You could…