Egypt – travel letter from an ancient hi-tech culture
One of the most interesting, but at the same time one of the most dubious sciences is: Egyptology.
Some even go so far as to say that it is not science at all.
It’s relatively easy to say why it’s one of the most interesting. It is simply because Egypt is one of the cradles of civilization and culture. Egypt is the place in Africa – and in the World – where an unsurpassed high culture and advanced technological civilization is most visible. It is even though Egyptologists and their so-called science have done everything in their (lacking?) power to obscure the extent of this culture. Once the extent of this high culture is recognized, we can look up and discover that it was a global high culture and that the same culture also shows up in Peru, Central America, the Gulf of Mexico, India, the oldest Europe, in the Pacific and in South Africa. The order is indifferent as far as it goes, but all of a sudden it sticks its head out everywhere, because you have set the optics to see it. There are now stark signs of a global culture that outdates, what mainstream historians have described as – and our teaching systems have taught us is the history of civilization.

It is much more elaborate to describe, why Egyptology is a dubious science. It takes novel-sized dissertations to uncover the date of the scientific bankruptcy, where we still – despite serious cracks in the structure – find ourselves within the paradigm we could call: The Age of Darkness.
But are we not children of the Age of Enlightenment? Do we not owe, through our scientific worldview and the way our society is formed, EVERYTHING to this glorious age? The term ‘Enlightenment’ is a somewhat false trade name. The Middle Ages have been called a dark time, and the Renaissance and its aftermath an enlightened time. Reality is not always as it is described. Opposing forces unfolded in the Renaissance. The concept of rebirth holds a perception that hidden knowledge from the Greeks and Romans reappeared. Antiquity was revived.
There is a lot of truth in that. In addition to the rediscovery of classical Greek philosophy, it was specifically the Venetians’ (Cosimo de Medici had the work translated) discovery of Corpus Hermetica – a collection of books that was completely lost in the European foundation of knowledge but preserved by the Arabs and archived among others. in the library Constantinople – which appeared and was re-translated. This book contained i.a. what we today call kabbalism, astrology, alchemy, tarot, sacred geometry, numerology (gematria) geomanci, etc., and which after its re-emergence were discredited as superstition. It is noteworthy, however, that all the fathers of modern science: Kepler, daVinci, Galileo, Brahe, Newton, Dee, Bacon, and a number of other authors of science as the bulk of their life’s work had these later discredited and so-called ‘superstitious’ sciences. The ‘enlightenment’ that these modern pioneers stood for and are recognized for, is only a minor and highly amputated part of their overall life work. Corpus Hermetica has once again gone underground, just as it did 2000 years ago, when it was customary to burn down libraries.

Hermes was the Greek name for the Egyptian god of wisdom Thoth (te-ho-tah)
That is why the science of our time has got a – shall we say: twist. There is something taken out of the equation, there is something missing that should have been there. Science concluded and taught their students: the fools of antiquity did not know better, but we know better today.
The difficulty of another renaissance = a now uncovering of the hidden body (corpus hermetica) is to understand how the 2000-year-old Roman-British Empire has distorted EVERYTHING, what we take for granted today, and how its totalitarian campaign and twisted human views have shaped us as human individuals and societies. Let’s start with the two concepts: lying and theft.
The Tomb Raiders

The original was stolen during Napoleon’s voyage to Egypt.
Archeology is a very young science. The same with Egyptology, which may well be described as a derivation of archeology and history. I have already done so and will further argue that Egyptology is not a science at all but an ideology.
Egyptology is based on the Empire’s self-understoodf activities. The essence of the Empire’s rhetoric and propaganda is to give its inhabitants = subjects a controlled understanding of their past, present and future. This unfolded more clearly than anything else in time-and-place in the Roman version of the Empire. The Romans – the proto-fascist Empire – planted an ideological cross in time and space. They took down everything that extended beyond their realm in time-and-place. All peoples who fell within what the Romans knew were subject to the Roman paradigm. Those who lived out there in the countryside and in the provinces (horizontally) were deprived of their sovereignty. Here, the English word pagan is most apt for the attitude. Everyone who belonged to that time (vertically) was deprived of their history and self-understanding. Here our christian word heathen is more comprehensive. The Romans sought out culture and technology, then stole and copied it. Then they wiped out those, whose culture and technology they had stolen, and if it was not possible to wipe them out completely, then they dismantled their culture by giving them a false history. Eventually, they claimed that they had created the technology themselves.
Example: The marvellous aquaducts = water technology was a roman invention, wasn’t it. The Romans claim so, and we think so. It’ all wrong, it was the Etruscans, that brought this marvel to the world. These people were either killed, or they had to flee to the Iberian peninsula.
It happened most radically with the two most rebellious and self-conscious peoples who also gave the Romans the biggest problems: the British and the Hebrews. Both peoples were culturally character assassinated, their knowledge culture was stolen and they were given a substitute that they could suck on instead. And the pseudo-British and pseudo-Hebrews as we meet them today are the British Empire and rabbinical Judaism and Zionism, respectively.

Egyptology, this strange branch of… yes, which branch of science represents its practitioners? Are they historians – possibly. Are they archaeologists – not really, they do not enter the scene until the archaeologists have done the dirty work. Religious scholars – no, but they pretend to be. In addition, they postulate insights into linguistics, architecture, engineering, physics, geology, geophysics, geography, astronomy/astrology, genetics, agriculture, mineralogy, chemistry and engineering. These super-scientists are simply so uber-wise that they never need to consult actual specialists within the above-mentioned sciences.
If one studies who these Egyptologists are and what scientific tradition they originate from, then a word emerges that does not fit into the collection of fine titles: grave robbers! These types pay homage to their coryphaeus, who were often nothing more than simple grave robbers! This can be ascertained by visiting the great museums of the Empire and all its works: the Louvre, the British Museum, the Vatican, the Smithsonian. One can also check the presence of Egyptian obelisks in the Vatican, London, Paris, Washington. You can even go to the National Museum in Copenhagen and see examples of this organized grave robbery.

Same fancyness with another museum in Copenhagen called Davids Collection og the Islamic Collection.
It turned out that the mr. David, the wealthy Jewish collector bought quite a lot of stolen artifacts.
The dogmatics
What is dogma? A dogma is an unbreakable doctrine that everyone must submit to without hesitation and questions. Therefore, it kind of belongs in religion. One devotes oneself to faith and therefore refrains from knowing. Unfortunately, it has happened to science in general that, after taking over the role of religion as the primary provider of reality to humanity, it has also inherited one of the characteristics of religion – some will go so far as to say worst habits: dogmatics = you may want to know something, but basically you have to believe.
I have argued above that Egyptology is among the most glaring.
Let us examine the main dogmas of Egyptology:
- There are 33 dynasties and the Ptolemies were the last. This goes fairly well, but then it goes wrong.
- The first dynasties built the great edifices. They had not learned it from anyone, they had not practiced, they just did it suddenly!
- Egypt was a slave culture just like the Roman one.
- Pharaoh was the king, and the culture was patriarchal just like the Greco-Roman.
- Although they only had Bronze Age technology, they erected works that required advanced technology.
- Pyramids are burial chambers, although no dead or mummies have been found in them.
The Egyptians were obsessed with death. - Hieroglyphs are a kind of alphabet that just means A-B-C… just like the Greek alphabet.
- The figures depicted in the Egyptian cartouches are ‘gods’. They worshiped idols, they had many ‘gods’, Osiris – Isis – Maat – Amun – Atum – Sekhmet – Sobek – Ra – Nut – Seth – Hathor were ‘gods’. The Greeks and Romans did, ergo the Egyptians did the same.
- All pictorial and architectural art in Egypt can be interpreted as religion and (of) worship.
- Before the dynasties, there was primitive tribal culture, and the first dynasty was kapoof! up to running out of the blue air.
- They juggled boulders of up to 1300 tons processed with high precision and stacked with equally dizzying high precision.
- The astonishing mathematical and geometric contexts, which have been thoroughly documented and analyzed, especially in the Great Pyramid and the Temple in Luxor, but which are found everywhere, are all coincidences, for their architects had little understanding of mathematics.
- The great pyramid of Giza has been knocked up for twenty years in all its insane might, so that the corpse of a king could lie there and rot inside the center. By some mysterious coincidence, the king had evaporated, when they finally opened ø’the grave’.
- The Great Pyramid of Giza was built by 10,000 slaves sweating around the clock and pulling a string up a giant sandbox ramp, which had to be rebuilt every time a row was reached.
- The Egyptians dragged obelisks from Aswan, which are up to 1300 tons down to a Nile boat, and sailed them up the river.
- The people whose remains can be dated in and around the great edifices must be the very ones who built them. Put another way: since stones can not be dated, one must date a random pile of organic remains such as a dead chicken lying on the stone and conclude from it.
- It is in vain to ask the Egyptians themselves anything to do with their oldest history, for they are too stupid and mentally under-equipped to have an opinion on it.

Egyptologists, on the other hand, do not have to prove their claims, it is enough to postulate them, which, as I said, is an integral part of dogma. An Egyptologist has the right to be very offended if he or she is asked to arrange a practical demonstration of building techniques to make assumptions and postulates probable. Medieval scientists could teach them a lot – if medieval scientists claim that a giant throwing machine can throw a 20 kg stone 300 meters, then they build one and show it. If Viking scientists claim that a longboat was built with axes (and there is a very primitive yet splendid reason for that), can cope with all kinds of weather and go ashore on the lowest sandy beaches, then they build one, learn to navigate it and prove it. They are proper men and women and dare to put their ass at slap height. If Thor Heyerdal claimed that South Americans populated Polynesia by drifting on the ocean currents, then he built a straw boat and put his life on the line – and proved it! That historians then chose to ignore the evidence does not come to the point, it is their problem.
If, on the other hand, Egyptologists are asked to demonstrate quite a lot other than papyrus making – and they will then hire the Egyptians themselves, as it is a living tradition to make the world’s strongest paper – then they sneak off with their tails between their legs. They have heard of the few but completely unsuccessful attempts to move large stones, which some naive but brave colleagues ventured into. It went terribly wrong.

Well, it’s just mechanics, and there are pictures of it… OK Egyptiidiots, if you admit that
it’s not that easy, then maybe you should show a little more humility!
Egyptologists are the world’s foremost experts in absurdities. The above dogma set is only a selection, for there are partial absurdities of partial absurdities. If you have first accepted one of these, you can safely build on it. Dogmatics is precisely to establish a premise that is never asked into later. One wonders along the way, whether these types have listened at all in the math, physics or geography lessons? They are an example of how ignorance combined with the illusion of knowledge and consequent assertiveness is a toxic cocktail. Although today they share this bad habit with other sciences, they may come in first place.
Egyptologists have answers to EVERYTHING. They never allow themselves to doubt. Therefore, they also do not as such deserve the term ‘scientists’, as self-criticism and the ability to curiously keep all possibilities open before allowing oneself to conclude is the bottomline for scientificity. It is not science that is ‘scientificism’. They throw a homemade theory into the field, which they then elevate to infallible truth. They inflict on the Egyptians religiosity in every line of their writings, but behave like a clergy demanding that we believe instead of knowing. Scientific humility is quite foreign to them.
We are facing a culture that is quite enigmatic, and the explanations that are laid down on it are marked by psychological projection. Where to even begin…?
A good place to start is to see with your own eyes. 10 years ago I had the chance for two weeks to travel around most of Egypt for 14 days with a group of scientists and writers – and Egyptians – who all had great knowledge in their field. In addition, they had a somewhat different angle on things than the Egyptologists. A few of them were even Egyptologists, who had a rather critical view of their own colleagues.
- Chris Dunn: Engineer specializing in precision instruments for processing and measurement.
- Stehpen Mehler: Egyptologist, social scientist, natural scientist and esoterician.
- Brian Foerster: author specializing in pre-Inca culture in Peru.
- Mohamed Ibrahim: Egyptologist and professional guide.
- Yousef Awyan: tour guide, sculptor, musician and son / student of the most famous guide, Egyptologist and ‘wisdom keeper’ Abd’El Hakim Awyan, who died a few years befor this travel event.
- Patricia Awyan, Yousef’s wife.
Abd’El Hakim Awyan is the initiator of a new (ancient in reality, but new to us) and very rewarding direction in Egyptology that does not call itself Egyptology at all, but Khemitology. The word is derived from the word in souf, the actual Egyptian language (not Arabic), meaning ‘the black earth’. This is what the Nile does to the earth when it floods it every year, making it one of the most fertile soils in the world. Everything can be grown in this place. Khemt – spelled KMT – is the name of pre-dynastic Egypt, which according to Egyptologists did not exist other than in the form of primitive tribal tyranny.
In addition, the travel participants were a number of people with a background in science. Plus a group of new-agers who always feel attracted to mysteries and old sites, cute and sometimes a little… confused. I have my reservations about new-agers and new-religion in general, but a good and healthy dose of intuition and out-of-the-box thinking and left-right-brain-half-coordination is necessary to approach the real mysteries, you meet in the country that contains 50% of all archeological works in the whole world! Yes you read that right, the amount is colossal! And it is estimated that there is a lot hiding under the sand. There was enough scientific weight in the company to provide counterplay to a few neo-religious types with a tendency to lose their mental grounding. In fact, both approaches are excellent, and with the right balance, it can be productive. A lot of what you encounter in Egypt is quite ‘exotic’ technology and culture – ‘hidden in plain sight’.

Hakim turns our understanding of time and evolution upside down and says: this was the actual Egypt before Egypt named Khemt or Khemit. It was the people who existed here, who built the most advanced and monumental buildings that the dynasties later moved into. He dates Khemit, the pre-dynastic Egypt starting point to 65,000 years BC. But it was not a continuous process, for something happened that broke the continuity. This ‘something’ took place between 11-12,000 years ago, when a global catastrophe took place. All cultures around the world have narratives and descriptions of this event. The Bible calls it the Deluge, but what exactly it was, there are various theories based on descriptions and observations but not complete agreement on. There is also no agreement on whether it was a one-time event, which it probably was not. However, today there seem to be very few who dare to deny the existence of this ‘something’.
That civilization is over 5000 years old, on the other hand, is a completely new and still sluggish realization for historians. Mankind is, of course, much older, but they were primitive cultures unable to master architecture, organizational art, science and technology beyond a sparse level – according to mainstream historicity. But there have been too many discoveries in recent decades for maintaining, that more than 5,000 years ago humans were merely collectors and lower-ranking hunters who beat each other with clubs and flint stones. One slowly moves the boundaries backwards in time. Hakim takes the plunge.
Abd’El Hakim Awyan
was not just anyone. He had degrees in Egyptology and archeology from the University of Cairo and the Netherlands, and he became the most famous and respected of all the Egyptian guides and ‘keepers’. When the Empire and the British royal family + various heads of state and distinguished people with buttocks full of money and prestige came to visit, they contacted Hakim, simply because they could afford the best, and although the elite like to fill everyone else with gossip, so know they do it well themselves. The so-called keepers are still seen today in the temple buildings. They have a long white beard, they wear white headgear / turban and galabea (long cotton suit). They know everything about the place they have stayed at and taken care of (hence the name) all their lives, and their knowledge comes from their father, who had his knowledge from his father, etc. in unbroken line – something that is a reality in all indigenous cultures, but which have become alien to modern culture due to a phenomenon we might call knowledge monopolization. It is this handed down knowledge that the Egyptologists have neglected, because according to The Darwinist and racist way of thinking of the empire did not take into consideration the natives from any culture, because the oral tradition was not reliable according to academia. As a young man, Hakim traveled all over Egypt and was apprenticed to the keepers, whose confidence he gained. He himself became one of them, and as the first he gathered all their knowledge into a synthesis. They knew their place, Hakim came to know them all, and he began to see the pattern. This is what he eventually called khemitology.

Hakim presents us with the idea that the entire Nile complex and all the so-called temples are a coherent complex, interconnected by underground passages and conceived as an intertwined energy system. He himself had been in the underground. As a young man, he descended into an open shaft 30 km south of Cairo and was away for days. He then emerged from a hole alive on the Giza Plateau. Along the way, he had walked, crawled, and swam in gait systems. The Egyptian authorities are fully aware of the existence of these passages and have made sure to shut them down. Supposedly so that the poor tourists do not have to disappear and perish.
Apparently, and as far as fair enough, because one is obviously not interested in having to pick up stupid-adventurous trapped or deceased tourists from a huge network of shafts. But there is also something else in it. One is not interested in the world knowing about it, and it is being protected as a military secret. We as humans must not know our past, for it destroys the Empire’s ability to occupy our present and future. Remember that the Egyptians have not ruled their own country except for short periods of over 100 years. The CIA controls Egyptian defense policy, the IMF destructively controls the Egyptian economy, etc. It is therefore also related to why the military has located itself in all the places of interest and where there are large unexplored areas. If you have this world-on-your-head and paranoid mindset, you are always looking for everything that could potentially be a weapon against people, cf. the Nazi Ahnenerbe expeditions, where of course they have also been. One is anxiously looking for if anyone should discover something they could use for the benefit of people. The elite of our time are direct heirs of the Roman envy complex. They have been lurking that the cat is getting out of the bag these years, and much of what is happening in the Middle East has to do with the agenda that Joseph P. Farrell has called archeology wars. Therefore, these ‘foreigners’ also tried to put their fingerprints on the later derailed Egyptian spring revolution (the Arab Spring) and first installed another puppet president / government to replace and intensify the retired (who, among other things, stole an unknown billion from the Egyptian population).
Hakim calls the entire complex of pyramids and buildings in northern Egypt Bu Wizzer, the land of Osiris. The buildings originally had nothing to do with temples or tomb monuments. It was power plants that conveyed energy. This energy has three components: water, sound (frequency) and minerals (stone + metal = electricity, magnetism), and when these three are brought to interact, a total energy field arises.

Whether the inner chambers of the pyramids were meant for flute playing is highly doubtful.
The inner chamber of the red pyramid is raw but perfect. The stones are razor sharp.
The sound is excellent from the musician’s point of view. Each chamber has a special tone.

Cartouches in Kom-Ombo with Sobek and Osiris
A hi-tech civilisation
There is a striking difference between the actual burial sites in the Valley of the Kings and the raw stone constructions of the pyramids. In the Valley of the Kings at Memphis / Luxor, all the walls are lavishly decorated with cartouches. In the pyramids and the space structures above and below the earth’s surface that lie above the main building, there are absolutely no decorations – apart from boring tourist graffiti. When you enter them, it’s like being in a factory room or in a military installation. Although corridors and spaces can be processed with immense precision, and although the surfaces of the often hard rocks such as granite, alabaster, rose quartz, basalt or softer rocks such as limestone can be machine-precisely cut and completely mechanically polished, they appear to be purely functional without the splendor of palaces, temples and dynastic tombs. They are not meant to move in and show off. It’s like walking inside a big machine. And when the machines were at work, you were not meant to stay there – you would be fried just as fast as in the reactor room at Chernobyl by a technology more advanced than hot fission energy.

of a pillar in Osireion, Abydos.
Precisely in the underground semi-flooded Osireion – the water is still there – there are some details on the pillars that make Egyptologists go completely black. In several places you see the pattern with overlapping circles called the ‘Flower of Life’. The peculiarity of the pattern is, that it is not hammered into the granite. It is found inside the stone itself – it is simply laser-impregnated! So understand it just completely: the surface of the stone shows no signs of physical processing that is like any other probably as polished or unpolished granite surfaces. The pattern is inside the stone! For the same reason, the complex is also cordoned off for tourists, so they do not have to ask too many questions to the poor local guides, who only know the official narrative, that they have memorized. And so that they do not fall into the water, fair enough again, but they could easily have built wooden bridges and corridors, if they really wanted to show this marvel to the visitors.

Osireion. Once upon a time, this edifice was at ground level.
It does not occur to Egyptologists to ask geologists when it might be.
That’s not the only thing abnormal about the place. It is submerged below ground level, and in the surrounding landscape there is silt, material deposited by flowing water. Geologists can show that the Nile has moved to the east and that it was huge and wide.
In the middle of these building complexes there is often a room with a large stone coffin. It can be with or without lid. The Egyptologists have, in their eternal morbidity, of course, immediately appointed them to be coffins of the corpses of dead kings (it takes one to know one…). Admittedly, they have never found a dead king here, not even in places they helped open for the first time, after those places disappeared under the sand – meaning no possibility of tomb raiding. But that does not worry them. In some buildings, mummies have been found, but it does not occur to Egyptologists to imagine, that people sensibly moved into buildings that already existed, since they now stood there to no avail and the power in the machine was turned off. We see here how they line the walls with a layer of binder and mold the cartouces, which are then painted. These are often absolutely amazing, for the dynasties had a distinct sense of splendor.

Unfortunately, we also see the immense vandalism perpetrated by the Copts, the early Christians who decapitated the figures, smashed especially faces, noses, hands, feet. The vandalism has later been spread to the Arabs / Muslims, and they could easily have done something similar, but they had not arrived yet. It hurts right into the marrow to witness so much deliberate destruction of world art. It’s also hard to imagine, what was going on in the minds of these jihadist stormtroopers of destroyers deployed on the orders of… yes who? The leadership of the Coptic Church in collaboration with their employers, the Romans and the rich Jews of Alexandria. They wanted two things: to steal and to destroy. The Romans and Greeks also ribbed the amazing surface stones on the pyramids to use them for buildings in Cairo and elsewhere. In some places, they still hang on to the foundation, hinting at what they once were.
To understand this organized and ideologically grounded vandalism, one does not avoid conducting a close analysis of one of the illuminated areas of the Roman-Christian project: the war against nature. However, it is so comprehensive that it would require an entire blogspot. Let us confine ourselves to mentioning nature as the female element and the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God, Yahweh, as the masculine takeover of cosmology. The woman and sexuality in general were condemned as unclean and sinful. This can best be understood by studying one of the honored Church Fathers, Augustine. His sexual intimidation is as sickening as the whole back-of-the-medal of the Christian-Roman project. And I wonder if he has had a hand in the burning of the great library of Alexandria, where one of his most hated opposites, one of the last representatives of the pre-christian culture of wisdom and knowledge, AND even a woman of excellent format, the philosopher Hypathia, had a prominent place?

If he did not have a direct role in this shameful project, then he provided in each case the ideological amunition, which can be read in his writings. For a similar contempt for women, one has to look for a long time. It is his spirit, that has rested over the Catholic Church right up until the Renaissance. And how many female popes were there right? There was actually one cloaked as a man, but that’s a different story.
The Egyptians, on the other hand, do not seem to have had any problems with sexuality. The entire Dendera Temple complex is dedicated to it. Also in Luxor the pictures are quite explicit:

No fingers are put in between here. Or it’s just what happens, for similar to finger-sweat-smeared field one has to look long for. 1000s of visitors have touched the good area of this cartouche to grab some of the power 😉 It is hardly an ‘immaculate conception’, but on the other hand one should not think that it is Egyptian pornography here. There are far greater forces at play, and both Christian childishness and the lukewarm horniness of the over-erotic consumer-industry society are projections and therefore missing the point.
Building technique

The Khemite culture chose their building materials carefully. Granite, rose quartz, alabaster and limestone all have a high content of magnetically active components: quartz and iron. Chris Dunn, one of the travel guides on this journey, lays out in his boot The Giza Power Plant a theory on that. When the water has risen in the underground chambers of the Giza power plant and has activated the series of giant resonators that sat in the large gallery – the mounting holes are still there – to finally activate the two chambers with their perfect resonant dimensions – all chambers have a fundamental tone – then violent energies were created. Today, there is still a radius around the pyramids where nothing grows. 100 meters away a whole forest of palm trees can start. Which contradicts the Newager mythology that it should be very healthy and spiritual to stay there. The builders have had a science of sound / resonance / music that we only know from Pythagoras who studied with them. For even though the people of Khemit had to leave the place during the great catastrophe, there was still some of their knowledge left among scholars og priests in the Ptolemean dynastic era. Solon, the uncle of Plato, was tought by these priests.

One component of the machinery we can no longer see is that which was placed in strange depressions in the floors and walls. In some places they look like a casting hole in the shape of the double-bladed ax. Also at the top of the pyramids, something is missing that they took away when they turned off the power. And if there is anything left, it has been stolen and melted down. These were precious metals such as gold and silver or a special alloy of these called electrum – the name says what it could – and both the stones and metals used have a high electrical property. And magnificent no doubt, but that was not their real purpose.
Incidentally, this phenomenon is quite parallel to the South American pyramid-building cultures. Here, too, historians are wildly confused about the dating and purpose of this unimaginable construction. They are attributed to Maya, Aztecs and Inca culture, which limits them to max. 2000 years. The descendants of these local cultures, on the other hand, are in no doubt. Directly questioned, they openly say that they did not build them, and that they were there when they ‘moved in’. And if anyone suggests that the megalithic and worldwide culture was older, more global and more advanced than historians understand, and if one takes historians seriously on the blade and forces them to relate to facts about the technology which can be directly observed … then they just draw an even wilder card: the alien card, ta-daa! In other words, they stubbornly deny with ton-heavy burden of proof piled up before their noses, that humans could produce these masterpieces more than 5,000 years ago. On the other hand, they have no problem hauling aliens down from Sirius. It may even be that we have to think along those lines, but then we will at least have to combine it with our own past as humanity.

Laser graffiti in Osireion, Abydos. In this picture (not my own, you could not get on that shooting range) it looks like
as if it were carved into the stone. But there is one
optical illusion. If you could let your hand slide over, it would be completely smooth. The structure is inside the granite.
Raw functionalism is striking in many of the buildings. The temple at Abydos and the underlying Osireion are so functionalist, that they have inspired architects for hundreds of years and in recent times. The Romans knew and envied the style and copied from both the Egyptians and the Greeks. The Catholic Church also stole with arms and legs, see e.g. the obelisk in St. Peter’s Square. And what they could not physically steal, they copied. Napoleon traveled in Egypt and ordered a delineation of everything he encountered. Today he would just have taken his Canon D5 Mark III DSLR camera and documented it. Incidentally, the Nazis were also everywhere, which can be seen in their solid building style. Incidentally, it can be said that in the 19th century, the French – the fools – destroyed over 50 obelisks in an attempt to steal them! They simply could not figure out how to get them aboard a boat. One does not know whether to laugh or cry over the stupid imperialists. Megalomania = the combination of inferiority complex and greatness madness.

According to Egyptologists, the Egyptians were not very good mathematicians. Did I forget to say that Egyptologists also have expertise in mathematics and geometry? But in reality we find some of the world’s most advanced mathematics measurably built into the geometry of architecture. The Egyptians just had another form of mathematics that we only begin to understand in earnest today. They had a calculation system where they could skip a whole lot of intermediate calculations, which is completely similar to the way a computer calculates. In addition, the proportions in the buildings are permeated by the irrational numbers Pi and Phi and Fibonacci ratios / golden sections – nature’s own proportions.
Also remember that one of the absolute fathers of Western mathematics, Pythagoras, had to wait 20 years before he was allowed to study in the Egyptian schools, after which he came back and developed the basis of the geometry we know. Also remember that his number-resonance relationship is related to the music / sound / frequencies.

The portal itself, the main entrance to an Egyptian temple, resembles the sign the Greeks chose for π
The human body is organized according to the same proportions. One could call Egyptian mathematics nature-concrete. Our mathematics often goes out of a string and becomes pure mechanistic abstraction. The Egyptians had a musical mathematics. Also remember that music was the second highest science in Quadrivium – mathematics, the doctrine of numbers – geometry, the doctrine of numbers in space – music, the doctrine of numbers in time – astronomy – the doctrine of numbers in space-time.
Goethe said: Architecture is frozen music. And as with all musical, resonant fields, one never remains unaffected when one is in the middle of a giant piece of music. Unless you yourself are made of stone. Goethe is interesting, see Notes on Goethe (will be published soon). He can be said to be a small pocket of science that survived the purge of the more esoteric elements of science, which, as mentioned above, had a brief flourishing in the Renaissance and occupied most of a scientist’s life and commitment. As a musicologist, I know how much Goethe was ridiculed by especially the school that theorized around the 2nd Viennese school (Schönberg, Berg, Webern) – not so much the composers themselves, I talk about Adorno and the whole chain of cultural Marxist observance, and who still was dominant right up until the late 1980s. Only an ingenious outsider like Rudolf Steiner seems to have followed in his footsteps. Goethe was just, according to the politically correct cultural Marxists of the time, a confused, incompetent romantic, which is entirely outlandish, for Goethe decidedly distanced himself from what we understand as romantic fluffyness. I would even claim that he sat with the long straw and was extremely visionary and insightful. Incidentally, the avant-garde Webern was completely engrossed in Goethe’s color theory. In my musicology studies, I ate myself through great German doctoral dissertation that dealt with this.
The obelisks

Let’s dwell a little on the obelisks. If we keep the idea of an electro-hydro-energetic power plant, then a centrally located 30 meter high granite needle would have a specific purpose: to send the enormous energy formed by the building, the water and the metals upwards. How that looked like, we can only guess. In the quarry of Aswan we find the only example of an imperfect obelisk. Here, the manufacturing technology is exposed to the watchful eye, and it was by no means hammering for 10 years with a round dolerite stone and a bronze chisel. Around the stone, parallel series of half-meter-wide engraving marks are seen, going down the side of the opposite wall, turning down at the bottom, continuing in under the obelisk, and thenbeing pulled out and up again. It is so clearly a machine that has done this here, it has not taken 10 years, there are no marks of small hand-held tools, only large continuous furrows of a machine, that has been grinding down the granite. Maybe one has made an obelisk in a day’s time? Here, too, the egyptologists freak out with various buzzing and petty (absent) explanations. They never take a stand on what the eye actually sees, and which for a top-geared engineer like Chris Dunn leaves no doubt. He is not a second in doubt. This is precision machining, and if you claim otherwise, you have no sense of what you are talking about.

Completely obelisk in Karnak, Luxor / Memphis
We can then further speculate, on how this giant monolith of 1300 tons was kept free from the subsoil and picked up from the hole when the machines got it cut free. Here it becomes seriously exotic, and we do not escape the fact that the builders had a different understanding and mastery of gravity than us. Such a thought is still completely inedible to not only egyptologists but also to the whole of science including the science of history – to the extend that historicity can be called science.
It is a hidden thread in all science. It can best be studied in Darwinism, and the main dogma that all development in human culture took place in a straight line from something primitive = then = their culture to something advanced = today = our culture. We are the pinnacle / climax of human civilization. That’s what it is. But it is only egyptologists who have not yet discovered what the problem is, and who are able without shame to claim, that extreme hi-tech products have been made with Stone and Bronze Age tools. A cognitive dissonance field has been created, which screams to heaven, but these so-called scientists sleep quite peacefully at night – except when they are asked direct questions, because then their eyes roll. There are video clips on the internet where eg. leading egyptologists are confronted with facts, and get themselves out in embarrassments, denials, infantile theories, self-contradictions and absurdities. One can simply read the physical-mental discomfort they feel, when they have to answer approachable and substantial questions that seriously challenge their logic.
The sarcophagi
One of the most surreal places on earth must certainly be the Serapeum. You descend a long ramp to a pedestrian system where you drop your lower jaw. The main corridor is approx. 100 meters long. On each side of the wide corridor, there are niches that today are supported by strong steel structures so that they do not collapse. Or so that one could lift the lid on what is amazing: huge stone chests of 500 tons with lids weighing 300 tons. Today, they have managed to lift the lids and slide bricks in, so that the lids have been lifted for exhibition purposes. The outside of these sarcophagi is partly processed and partly raw. The inside, on the other hand, is completely smooth and precise.

En af de 30 kæmpe-sarkofager i Serapeum.
The guide in my travel group, Mohamed Ibrahim, who studied Egyptology at the University of Cairo, had a special way of presenting things: ‘I will now start by telling you the official story…’ uttered with crisp irony and Egyptian stoneface. It dawned on me along the way that Egyptians may have a special kind of laconic humor. Later, he heavily modified this story and gave it counterplay. The official explanation for the 27 coffins in the Serapeum – and behind the end piece is said to hide miles of corridors with hundreds of similar sarcophagi (military area, why are we not surprised here) is the burial place of the sacred mummified Serapis bulls. So once again the story that completely overwhelming effort and equally overwhelming hi-tech performance explained as low-tech has been launched so that corpses could lie and rot in the dark. Egyptologists manically maintain the explanation, even though not a single bull mummy has been found in these coffins. A single dusty mummy was apparently found at the site itself, but the coffins were unopened.
So it is also quite difficult with common sense to imagine the following scene.
The tomb raider comes home to the hut with a large dusty package and exclaims: ‘
Honey, look what I’ve found! We’re getting rich now! The boys and I have just been down in the burial chamber, where we have lifted the lid on a large coffin of 50 tons and snatched this magnificent piece of a dead bull ‘.
The wife looks at him angrily and exclaims:
‘Will you immediately remove the dirty thing, I do not want it in my house! And then you have lifted a lid of 50 tons? I do not think so, because you could hardly drag the rubbish bin out the other day! ‘
So it does not hold true. It is the same absurd story that egyptologists tell about the postulated tomb of the Great Pyramid of Giza. So tomb robbers should have lifted a 50 ton stone that blocked the entrance to the pyramid, moved up to the postulated king’s postulated tomb chamber, lifted the lid on the postulated tomb sarcophagus and stolen his postulated mummy. Then they put the lid back in place (the lid is missing today and has probably never been there) moved back to the entrance with the dead king and his valuables in their hands, nicely put the 50 ton large stone back in place, and hurried home to the wife: ‘Honey, we are getting rich now…’ Next day in Papyrus News on the market: Dead pharaos mummy for sale’.
And the theories of the sandbox and slave building belong in Cecil B. de Mille’s ‘The Ten Commandments’ with Charlton Heston as Moses. A French architect, Jean Pierre Oudin, who gave up his career and pursued his father’s instincts, has a different theory. Here it gets interesting, because the man is not an Egyptologist, he actually cares about real construction technique and laziness, and he knows something about it. The theory can actually be made probable via measurements of the Great Pyramid showing a helical inner passage. So even though the Egyptians, ie. the peoples of pre-dynastic Egypt, the Khemite, had special technology at their disposal, they still needed solid ground under their feet.
About Moses. Did you know that Sigmund Freud, as one of the last things in his life, wrote a book about Moses and that he was deeply interested in Egypt? This book is one of the starting points for alternative Egyptology, which is described in fragments in this travel letter. Freud had a slightly different angle on who Moses was. At least TutMosis or Mises were not Jews. And what was it really about this well-known person and the phenomenon of Exodus? An overly long side story. Ask Freud, Ahmed Osman, Schwaller Delubicz, Stephen Mehler, Robert Beauval, John Anthony West – or Ralph Ellis.
The Egyptian Museum in Cairo is full of treasures. Here is an abundance of the wildest and often perfect works of art. Of course, all the tourists have to go to Tut Ankh Amon’s grave boxes and face mask etc. It is, of course, insanely beautiful, extravagant and sumptuous. But there are also more discreet sights that, on closer inspection, are impressive in a different way than gold, precious stones and artful splendor.
Not far from the main entrance is exhibited one of these stone chests, which are described above from the Serapeum. It is not quite as large, but on the other hand it is quite revealing and ‘smoking-gun-like’ just like the unfinished obelisk in the Aswan quarry. The coffin stands up against a wall along with showcases and figures. You do not just think that you can squeeze behind it, but once you have done that, you think about whether it is actually a mistake that it has been exhibited at all. However, the reverse is incomplete and this is where it gets interesting just like with the incomplete obelisk in Aswan. For this is where the technique is revealed.
A video recording that I was prevented from recording as all equipment was confiscated at the entrance. Fortunately, others have managed to smuggle in equipment. There are bla. a clip in which Stephen Mehler demonstrates the unlikely backside of the sarcophagus in the Cairo Museum.
You see a completely clean cut on 2/3 of the side piece. So one of those surfaces where you can draw a straight line on any conductor. But then something went wrong. Let’s say in this way: the saw, or what we should call the instrument, slipped and began to work skewed. They discovered it right away and recognized, that it would not be the cut they went for. The coffin would become useless and the saw would be pulled out immediately. It is a double possibly rotating saw blade that works in parallel, and the extraction is done both upwards and downwards. When studying the half-meter-deep notch that wedges itself into the raw granite piece, that did not get cut off, the notch is as smooth as the finished side. One has to light with a flashlight into the notch to see the bottom. Unfortunately, I did not have a James Bond camera built into a trouser button, so you have to imagine it – or visit the museum yourself. Or take a look at the video above.
Just think about it. The cut, when it goes wrong, is just as perfect as the successful side! What does it mean? That means a total exclusion of all rude theories about primitive Bronze Age tools! You can not read about this detail anywhere nor see pictures of it (photography is forbidden after all) You could make a kind of side theory about why this ‘smoking gun’ of a stone box has been allowed to stand here at all. My very personal bid is, that there are Egyptians – archaeologists and museum people – who know very well that something is wrong and that the official explanation has been falsified, but who, despite orders from the management, have been told that they in particular curious have been given the opportunity to see ‘the impossible’. But that is a thery.
The jars
They stand around in their montres. Clay pots, you think at first. But when one discovers that they are made of one of the world’s hardest rocks, diorite, with a degree of hardness between steel and diamond, then the case is different. You also see other amazing artifacts made in scist – another extremely hard rock – and alabaster, which is easier to deal with.

A modern potter would think carefully before embarking on such a project – even with hi-tech equipment. He would probably reject the task so as not to fall short. The interior of the jar is just as perfect as its exterior, all roundings have the highest finish and precision. Imagine what that would require. And if in doubt, ask a craftsman. When he says no to the task, contact a laboratory with access to hi-tech cutting-milling equipment. The dynasties did not have that kind of skill, these jars are some of their heirlooms. They are indestructible and they will still exist in a million years if cared for.

This is not a wheel capsule on a Lamborghini – which would actually be closer to the purpose than an artful lotus flower as they call it.
Just as peculiar as the jars in material and in particular in shape is this slice. Its precision is like the hi-tech robot-controlled designs we know today. It is clearly an object that is part of something else and intended for rotation. The Egyptologists of course have some explanation that has come up with, eg a vase for lotus flowers…
And the material?
The Sfinx
The enigmatic. The famous and controversial scholar Schwaller Delubicz dropped a single line in one of his groundbreaking books, which has formed the background for a different and deeper view of Egypt. He mentions that the Sphinx and the terrain around it have been exposed to water. This obvious observation subsequently opened up for researchers to take a closer look at the phenomenon.

You see the soft layers step forward and the hard ones worn away. One would expect the opposite with flowing water. Geologist Robert Shock shows, that this can only be due to heavy lateral rain for a very long time.

There is usually no access to the area just around the Sphinx. This is taken from normal ground level. 100 years ago this hole was not excavated and only the head protruded above the desert sand.
This gives egyptologists a problem. They claim, that the Sphinx was built in the Egypt of the dynasties, but the geology is ‘hard evidence’ and hard to run from, and if you do it anyway, you are forced into contradictions, denials and childishness. It has not rained that way for a minimum of 7000 years, and the furrows are so deep that it has taken thousands of years of producing them. An extremely conservative estimate would be 10-12,000 years. The problem was, that we hit the most chaotic time purely geohistorically, where major natural disasters occurred at the end of the last ice age. This was not a time of piece and quit to build large buildings and figures, this was a time to survive.
Incidentally, notice the face. It’s a black Nubian woman. Possibly one of the first queens of the dynasties, as the face is reworked in dynastic times. Has it been a lion’s head before? Had it to do with the constellation Leo in the precession of constellations. Was it a hybrid animal like in Luxor with a lion’s body and a ram’s head? We are allowed to guess, but we should be able to argue for all guesses. Egyptologists believe that it is enough to claim and assume. In esoteric egyptology and khemitology, great efforts are made to substantiate. And very important: you ask all kinds of science and expertise for advice. If there is – which there is in all science – gray areas of lack of evidence, then you call it a hypothesis or a theory – and stand by it! Theories must not contain too many assumptions for too long. At the next opportunity, make sure to update your theory formation.
Egyptologists exalt insufficiently substantiated theories full of assumptions for already proven facts. As a multimedia producer, I had a long-standing collaboration with the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen and the department that housed the glaciologists – geophysicists in the exclusive department, that drilled in the ice sheet in Greenland and Antarctica (the Danes drilled in Greenland). It is today called the Center for Ice and Climate. Via very precise analyzes of the up to 3 kilometers long drilling cylinders, which they picked up all the way down to the bedrock under the ice, they were able to verify events with summer-winter precision for up to 50,000 years backwards – and with increasing uncertainty up to 100,000 years. In Antarctica, it goes back even further. These analyzes clarified geophysical events, such as volcanic eruptions, that directly undermined the dating of egyptologists.
Just ask if the egyptologists took this into account? The Niels Bohr researchers laughed at it all. They cared for their work and avoided going into clinch with the egyptologists. Like the geophysicist Robert Schoch, they just stick to measurable facts and say straight out, that if the egyptologists have problems with it, then it’s their problem and may they then fry in their own fat. The material may be misinterpreted, but it does not lie.
The Face and the Symmetry
These machine marks are everywhere. Chris Dunn has made it his specialty to discover them. They exist both when things went well and in some cases when things went wrong. Even a hi-tech civilization is not 100% infallible, for they were still human. They leave traces behind to be read by those, that can read.
When traveling in Egypt, one encounters the ‘face’ along the way. He is called Ramses II. He is found in full shape, in oversize, as a bust, as a face on a plinth. If it’s a big face, it’s smiling. Why? Imagine a face seen from the front, which in reality had to be experienced from below because it was huge and located high up. From below, the face looks offended-sour-angry if one does not compensate from the start and let it smile the inner Buddha smile. This optical phenomenon has been known, but it really arrives impressively if one analyzes the symmetry of the face.

Chris Dunn has taken the lines in his face and cut them in half. Then he has mirrored them horizontally. It matches 100%. He has done the same from the side and it matches again 100%. This is not possible to perform for an artist with a hammer and chisel on a giant figure in limestone. And even assuming that it is possible to process this stone by hand, the artist should have had access to precision measuring instruments, to ensure that his carvings were 100% symmetrical in 3 dimensions. As a former professional in 3D graphics and architectural CAD drawing, I know how difficult it is and how abstract this project will be, if you do not use digital tools to measure and quality assure the symmetry. These Egyptian artists have not had access to these instruments – according to the egyptologists – and yet they have accomplished with Stone Age / Bronze Age technology what only we are capable of today. Do we believe that?

All the pharaos of this dynasty had Ra in their name – Ra-Moses.
The symmetrical figure encountered throughout Egypt is not at all Ramses II. It is an ideal figure. It is Adam Kadmon, the original man. It’s the hermaphrodite – the face is masculine and feminine at the same time. When the upper body is involved, it is a man, but in the face itself, the woman shines behind the man.
The mud machine
Part of the pyramids – there are many, and they are all different – in northern Egypt = lower Egypt (a rivers runs downwards you know) – are sunken mud machines. What do I mean by that?
Let’s go on an excursion to Hawara. Here are several of these mud-brick constructions. We no longer bother to waste too much argument time on the egyptologists, who have condemned them young age and primitive imitation of the architecture of the first dynasties. The first dynasties did not build pyramids at all – they took them over. And the mud-bricks are only primitive in insolation. As a phenomenon, they are part of a hi-tech project. Fast forward.

Hawara is interesting in several ways. You arrive at the place and see the giant lump of mud. So it’s obviously a pyramid, and as an outer shelle are these mud bricks. In the middle and bottom of the mud bricks lies a granite chamber in the exact style of the Giza pyramids and all the others. The inner chambers are always there and the hard materials are found here, the shell is different. Even very different. In Hawara, it is rather the surrounding terrain that is interesting.
Around the mud pyramid in Hawara is a large structure buried under the sand and under a strange water canal that cuts through the place that prevents one from going down into the complex: a system complex of rooms and corridors of 3000 chambers !! The Greeks saw them, the Romans saw them (and felt violently provoked by the achievement, that knew they would not even be able to perform), geophysical scans clearly show them! They have chosen to bury the place in sand and water. Why? Yet another destructive anti-achievement by the psychopathic Roman culture of envy and its offshoots up to the British Empire = the world situation of power and envy that stagnated and defined our lives right now and today.
The mud complex is built as follows: a granite chamber in the middle with a resonant stone coffin in the center. A layer of mud like brick as an insulated layer to divert the violent energy that was formed in the chamber. The mud is therefore only the original intermediate layer, even though today it is the outer visible layer. A then outer layer was the limestone of limestone as in Giza. Under the whole structure there is either as in Giza a huge system of canals or as in Hawara an equally large labyrinthine structure consisting of 3000 chambers.
I have heard worried descriptions of what one might find in the maze. Oh-no, now all the fine cartouches are destroyed, ‘The Hall of Records’ is destroyed, the tomb of the ‘holy crocodiles’ is destroyed (Herodotus). It is without a doubt something wet. Herodotus, the father of history writing, was little more than a traveling journalist who believed everything he was told. He traveled during the period of recent dynasties (the Ptolemies), and even then stupid tourists were told what they wanted to hear. The labyrinth is not an underground cemetery at all, it is not the Valley of the Kings 2. You gradually get tired of hearing about this self-absorbed grave robber death cult! The mud is the insulation part of the power plant.
The House of the Nature
Stephen Mehler has researched the big picture regarding the location of all the buildings in Bu Wizzer, Osiris’ country. The alignment has been seen as an astrological map, a reproduction of the sky. But Mehler presents the theory that astrology as we know it did not exist in Khemt. Astrology is a need to keep an eye on the movements and the cyclical periods after experiencing the recent cataclysm / the Deluge and having to shut down the system. The famous Dendera Zodiak shows an early example of this. His theory can be discussed, as there are a number of very old sites in the world which are precisely tuned in relation to what we have to term as astrological targets. But his theory is still interesting, because he instead draws a large vortex calculated according to the golden ratio / Fibonacci. It can be understood from the outside and in or from the inside out. If we do the latter, the energy starts – it comes, so to speak, from the globe in Zawiyet el Aryan. You can not get near this place, because it is sharply guarded by fundamentalist Muslims, and a mosque has been built on the site. Hmm… Next, the spiral unfolds and hits the red pyramid in Dashur, the pyramid in Abusir, two ‘missing’ pyramids – one still buried? and one that has been removed and used for building blocks? to end in the Sirius constellation with the third, the second (at the Sphinx) and the first (the great one) in Giza.
Hakim and Mehler – Mehler is a declared and recognized student of Hakim – uses the word per-neter or per-aa, the house of energy about the pyramids and the temple complexes. Pyra-midos in Greek is obscure, but is perhaps something along the lines of ‘fire in the middle’. Hardly a designation for a burial site (khemitic: Per-Ka, the house of the body or in Arabic mastaba: burial site), rather for what they were: energy sites. Per-Neter means ‘house of nature’ (neter – nature). To the extent that a temple was dedicated to e.g. Osiris, it was dedicated to an aspect of nature and thus also the divine (one did not separate nature and the universal divine). But the posterity that formed the religions explained these netters as gods. They are not, they are aspects, properties, sides, attributes to nature. They can be compared to the Vedic concept of ‘deva’. The British imperialists translated the term deva with a god. But Vishnu, Brahman, Shiva, Kali, etc. are not deities. They are not personifications of the earthly rulers, that one should either fall on your knees in submission and sacrifice oneself for, be afraid of, try to apeace, or expect gracious condescension in the form of eternal salvation from. They are pictorial descriptions of forces of nature, cosmic principles. These forces of nature could be communicated with, respected, allied with and acted upon. It is in no way the same as worship.

A Per-Neter was therefore a building where natural forces / energy were used for charitable purposes. That is how it was understood in the Khemite. As darkness descended in the time of war, in the time of patriarchy, in the time of the city-states, the organized armies, the hierarchies, the dynasties, the alphabetic written language and the religions, a war against nature and a weaponry of forces of nature for destructive purposes arose instead. God and nature became enemies. God becomes pure and nature becomes dirty. From this we further understand the vandalism of the Copts: they were commissioned to ‘destroy the houses of nature’. The woman got dirty, the body and sexuality got dirty (read about the church father Augustine and his sexually terrified view of the woman). One began by disgust and being anxious about / despising nature. Science today is for the most part about taming and subduing nature. Nature has become a landfill for poison and waste. It did not happen all at once but slowly. Today we are at a turning point where it almost cannot get worse. Humans today, like nature, are treated like shit, for the ideology of the Empire has taught its ideologues, that they are allowed to regard us as such.
This is the ‘desertification’ of the world, which is described in James di Meo’s book Saharasia. 5000 years ago, the desert entered the entire belt from West Africa to China. Before the desert, the Garden of Eden = the matriarchy existed. Do not misunderstand the matriarchy as something that has to do with the perverted ideological concept called feminism. Everything was abundant, war did not exist. Then came the desert and thus deficit, scarcity. This gave rise to patriarchy and war. When the manger is empty, the horses are bitten. Even peaceful peoples were betrayed by having to arm themselves against their invaders. You become like your enemy.
Two incidents
You have no doubt not heard of them, for they received little publicity even in the Egyptian media. On the 30 years anniversary of Israel’s forced surrender of Sinai to Egypt (April 26), the Egyptians had planned a symbolic event. Military helicopters circled around the top of the Great Pyramid to immerse a man from the Special Forces who was to plant an Egyptian flag. The first line breaks and the soldier dies. You lower another soldier down and the line breaks again! So twice in a row, which precludes an accident. So this is sabotage. The whole affair stinks of Mossad, because only they have weapons and skills – and a desire to perform that kind of thing. They are specialists in the kind of events that are supposed to shivers down the spine of people by their terror acts. There are specialists in terror, they ARE terrorists. It is Zionist pioneers who have invented the modern concept of terrorism as a weapon against those who would be subdued.
The second was a 24-hour closure of the desert road on the Nile in protest against the government. It meant a big detour and night mess for my travel team. One must understand what the Egyptians are being exposed to right now. It’s very close to a genocide. There is a deliberate starvation from the Empire and its organs. For decades, the IMF has been playing its bad game to smash the Egyptian economy. Then came the Arab Spring full of anger against the country’s corrupt leaders. But even though the Egyptians were well aware that foreign powers were behind it, it was only their leaders who turned against it. Keep an eye on Ramadan this year. Here all prices are rising, and since the Egyptians are at the bottom, it will be here that it explodes for the second time, for the so-called spring, the revolution in Tahrir Square was couped. And I have not heard ordinary Egyptians say anything nice about Morsi and his Islamic Brotherhood government. He’s almost worse than Mubarak, and like this one he’s just a doll.
I could also have mentioned unannounced military exercises in the air that meant an hour of orbit before landing in Cairo. I could also have mentioned the burning of two cruise ships off the north coast. No one perished here, but large ships do not burn by themselves. Systematic terrorism is currently being perpetrated against the Egyptians. Tourism is being sabotaged by scaring tourists – to starve the Egyptians.

Sad. But I can in turn disprove all rumors that it should be very dangerous to travel in Egypt. It’s totally safe. The most dangerous are the starving Egyptian souvenir sellers, and if you do not have your stone face ready, you will not get rid of them without having bought their junk at an exorbitant price.
I can only recommend Egypt. But I would suggest spring or fall. It will be up to 65 degrees celcius in the Valley of the Kings in the summer, and only a donkey or a camel will survive it. Or a lizard or a scarab.
In other words: do not be afraid. Finally, a story from Khemit about overcoming his fears. A Per-Neter (for the nature spirits) is a temple far south by the Nile called Khom-Ombo dedicated to Osiris and Sobek. The first we have heard of. The other is the figure with human body and crocodile head. It is an image of the reptile brain. Here sit all the instincts that must be overcome. The fear among other things.
In the back temple courtyard of Khom-Ombo there is a stone floor with a shaft downwards covered by an iron cover. There is still water at the bottom of the shaft. Imagine an inauguration ritual where you are thrown into the shaft, land in the water, hear the lid slam in at the top. There is only one way out. You have to swim 20 meters underwater through a horizontal shaft. Along the shaft lies a stack of well-grown Nile crocodiles, watching you. A Nile crocodile can grow up to 6-7 meters, but if they are just 3-4 meters long, they have no problem swallowing an adult male. This is the maximum survival scene, and if you survive, you are not the same human anymore, here we can talk about rebirth by water, and the birth canal passes by approx. 400 sharp-edged teeth on x number of scaly monsters.
What the adept did not know in advance was, that the crocodiles were stop-fed. A full crocodile can be held anything near the nose, it does not bother to move out of the spot. It was not the crocodiles at all who were the enemy. It was the anxiety itself.