Buzzwords and permaculture
First some bad news and then some good.
One of the buzzwords of the time – and there are many of them – is sustainability. It is a verbal fish that sails right in the wake of man-made global warming and climate change, which is once again swimming in the tail of Agenda 21 than didn’t happen, so the rebranded it Agenda 2030 – the year, you know, when the billionaires in Davas announced, that you owned nothing and was happy.
What’s annoying and mentally polluting about this bandwagon with the word sustainability is that it’s often hollow, that it’s a feel-good word, a you-should-feel-guilty word. It’s really the same, because the idea is that you first have to feel guilty, then you have to jump on some bandwagon where you approve of ‘something’, and THEN it’s just feel-good from there. You have sinned, and now you can buy redemption. Well, who were the real sinners. Perhaps those that polluted the planet and now want everyone else to pay for it.
We never know what we are approving, and neither do those who approve. But our and their children and grandchildren will unfortunately find out. Unless…
There is a lot of fake crap out there. For example, take a look at this:

You only need to look at the splash screen and the propaganda video, you get thrown right in your face. The image is loaded with apocalyptic-seductive image manipulation. The big city, the nuclear destruction, the ecological world tree, the Ash Yggdrasil that sustainably rises in all its Hollywood-glamorous might and saves you from Ragnarok.
Then there’s the video. You see a lot of beautiful, articulate young people stand out WITHOUT a single example, without anything they have really created, without anything substantial-sustainable and without seeming to have any dirt under their nails. Here’s what I ask myself: Who’s your daddy? What sectarian, ideological agenda has sent them into town? They appear as the prototype of Agenda 21/2030 facilitators, as it is called. Or influencers. Or woke-ies. They want to be the vanguard of consensus, another buzz word which, if you study Agenda 21/2030, translates to collectivized, uncritical surrender to a prefabricated just-write-under-here agreement.
They are alarmingly reminiscent of the evangelists – that’s what they call themselves – who hold gospel services for the Apple cult. Except for the Apocalypse. But if you’re on the iPad-Phone-Pod-Book wave, you’re on your way to Paradise!
In the case of the Valhalla Movement, it’s a double-edged project. In addition to advocating for their semi-Scientology, semi-New Age, cultic feel-guilty-to-feel-good movement, they simultaneously parasitize on the rediscovery of Norse-Germanic mythology that is currently taking place. They disneyify this ancient and abysmal understanding of the world, they turn the pre-Judeo-Christian understanding of the Cosmos and the action in the Cosmos into a clever, superficial publicity stunt using cultural-Marxist, political correctness. Guilt, shame, fear and catharsis. Revival of lost values is considered dangerous in certain circles – unless some handlers control the outcome of the revival.

There is too much hymn singing in the globalist designer cults.
That was sort of the point of it all, it’s the new church of globalism.
So when you look around out there, there’s a lot of junk that pretends to be great, but turns out to be either empty or downright toxic. These sectarian or globalist honey traps are often populated by a lot of well-meaning people. In larger organizations like the UN, there are many who try to do something about their idealistic cause. Some of them discover that it is not so easy to make it come true. There are great players and opponents on the pitch, but there is primarily the thoroughly corrupt organization itself.
Another stumbling block is the lingo, the new language, the nice platitudes and buzzwords.
Who can disagree? Should you disagree, you are almost irresponsible. You will be accused of everything. How about: climate racist! Yes, I just made the word up, not that it means anything, but it sounded good, and it sounds like something you don’t want to be. Well, no, it wasn’t actually something I made up, because Al Gore has called those who didn’t think like him racists! If you have studied cultural Marxist language, you know why the concept of race has to be woven into their false arguments.

Sustainability is a hijacked word. The new language verbal pirates have sailed the ideological waters and have entered a vessel with a suitable emotional cargo. Now the pirate ship is sailing around like The flying Dutchman in management waters under a false flag. Sustainability for whom and what? For the ghost ship itself, of course! It should not sink. Translate sustainable into profitable. Profitable for whom? For the verbal pirates, of course. But whoa – that wasn’t what the word originally meant! It was about balance in yield in relation to resources. It was about creating abundance instead of scarcity. Now it’s about who benefits?
But what about the real deal? Does it exist?
Permakultur – Now we’re talking!
Now comes the good news. Of course sustainability exists, and of course we have to talk about it. And we need to do more than talk about it. But instead of howling with the wolves on the polished, ideologically correct glass plate, we must choose to study the real thing.

Geoff Lawton, a perma-cowboy who acts instead of waffles
Let’s therefore take a look at Geoff Lawton, who has worked with permaculture all his life. The word climate change may slip out of his mouth. But that’s because he knows what he’s talking about and ‘walks his own talk’. Therefore, there is a completely different modest and humble depth and credibility. He doesn’t talk about the environment, he IS the environment, and he comes from a direct 1st generation lineage of Bill Mollison, the founder/inventor of the permaculture concept itself.

Introduktion to the permaculture concept
Permaculture is to think together agriculture, landscape, housing, water, energy and… the whole thing. You start in one place, and then you get down to business. Then it all bites itself in the tail. His claim, which he can substantiate in practice, is that with just 4% of the current cultivation area we could be self-sufficient, create a profit and be non-destructive to the environment. And then the global-warming fools would like to be allowed to use the word ‘climate’ (even if they have not understood this huge subject) if they could understand the 4%. His claim is furthermore, again substantiated, because it is done in virtually all climates (I don’t know about strictly polar climates, but he has run projects in Canada): that with such a flexible system in a well-established form, you can just work 10-12 hours per week.
I have complained before about where the householder movement, the co-operative movement, the cooperatives and the savings banks went. Where did the well-functioning villages go? We know, of course, that they disappeared into the great machine that started over 100 years ago and escalated into the monster we have today. But the dinosaurs die one day, so what comes in their place? Permaculture, without a doubt. Otherwise we get permafrost.
We have done it always
It has nothing to do with becoming hunters and collectors again. Man has always moved around the earth. Water and trees have always been part of the design, because trees are energy transformers. We have always influenced the landscapes.
Look at the amazing terraces of East Asia. They started in the valley. Then a stone border was built a few meters up, so that the ground could level out. Cultivation continued here. When it succeeded, a new ring was added … and so on.
Look at the oasis culture. There was water. Then wells and canals were made. Then palm trees grew. They created shade and held the ground. Then ramparts and dams were made. Then they grew figs and dates and wine and …
Look at the cultivation of the Jutland heath in Denmark. The plantations provided shelter. The country workers broke through the hard layer in the before useless ground. Everything started to grow. Further south there was sand drift, but hardy potatoes loved it. Lammefjorden was too wet, but drainage created the best soil for carrots and fine potatoes. In the gardens of the islands to the south there was an abundance of apples and other fruit. During the war they even grew tobacco (according to my father it tasted like shit…). Look at Amager the island linked to Copenhagen, where Dutch gardeners taught us marsh farming and dyke technology.
Look at the utilization of stone dykes, embankments, boulder houses simultaneously with the clearing of the land for stones. The Swedes had a hard time, because there were simply too many stones. But they had forest and iron. All the houses are made of wood, and the wood fuels the furnaces to melt the iron ore they lifted from the bedrock. The Irish landscape is dotted with stone dykes and stone cottages made of boulders, that was cleared from the fields.
Look at the endless expanses of Romania, Hungary, and the Ukraine with grain in unimaginable quantities. You can guess, why BigAgro is so in on grabbing land here – and someone started a war here, that is killing all those, who should look after the black earth. Look at the river deltas of Northern Italy, on the Danube. Or the Nile, which is a whole chapter in itself. Indescribable amounts of water arrived and everything, EVERYTHING grew there already at least 5000, yes maybe 50,000 years ago.
Look at the 10,000s of small gardens around Moscow that supply the whole city with goods. They had a resurgence of necessity when the Soviet Union collapsed and thus real importance for the economy for a number of years.

A Kenyan permaculture village. Permaculture can be extremely intensive agriculture/horticulture, but without the downsides of monoculture and industrial agriculture. It is also labor-intensive at times, but what would be the problem in societies suffering from unemployment or societies where there are enough hands?
The problem would then be: society.
The concept
Sometimes it went wrong, but it was usually due to violent incidents in an area and people not being able to adapt. It happened to the great South American cultures at one point. They had a ton of varieties for all crops. We know 10 kinds of squash, they had 100, we know 5 kinds of tomatoes, they had 50. They created an extensive cultivation system, but suddenly there was a climate change (and no, it wasn’t their fault…), and they could not manage to readjust.
The concept of permaculture is actually quite simple. It consists in creating a system where you give back more than you take. There is no waste and stupid waste. It was never like that before the culture was ‘oiled’. In just 100 years, petrochemicals have created an enormous amount of waste and poor utilization. Perma and Petro are diametric opposites. Perma is eternal, changing dynamics, Petro is static petrification (Greek: petros = stone).
The elevator version. There is a little appetizer on Alchemy Radio:
A pioner
There is Geoff Lawton’s commercial infosite:

Superficially, his intro film is also nice pictures and ‘something to sell’, but behind it hides a world of difference in substance, experience and practical knowledge. And yes, he has become a kind of guru for an entire movement, but he is totally down-under and down to earth while also being a soul on fire. He has had 15,000 students and consulted in 52 countries for 31 years, so it is certainly not his fault that sustainability has become an empty buzzword.
You could find him a few years ago walking around the Jordanian desert making gardens out of sand. Jordan has one of the driest climates on earth, and it is not without reason that in the country located on the edge of the Dead Sea, barely a drop of rain falls. But the water is there if you know how to bring it out. So he gave himself the ultimate challenge and overcame it. So a Danish temperate climate should be very affordable.

One of the secrets in the desert – as elsewhere, just look at the Danish landscape from the heyday of the villages – is the fence. The fence and the streams. When you have a good hedge, moisture is collected, wind and drying are slowed down. City dwellers mostly think of fences as so the neighbor can’t stare at one or so you can see where the border is. Or decorative aesthetic. It is, but it is also vital for a permaculture. There is nothing new under the sun, because it is 5000 years old knowledge just with the selective inclusion of new technology. And selective in that context will probably require the sorting out of certain forms of destructive technology, which – hopefully – will be regarded by our descendants as hopeless side shoots.
Where there may be something about the climate talk is the enormous leaching and degradation of the soil that takes place in the chemical-mechanized agriculture. It washes right into the sea. The system is simply plain stupid. The CO2 in the air is not a problem either, it is the lack of CO2 in the soil, that is the problem. Modern farming has destroyed the ability of the plants to bind and transform the carbon. But because it’s so big, it’s not transparent to people, and it’s addictive at the same time. It becomes quite clear, of course, in the perfidious system that GMOs constitute. One thing is that our own genes are being modified and that we are slowly dying from it. Another thing is the malicious thought that farmers experience all over the world, i.e. this total dependence of having to buy again and again (GMO grains produce dead seed that cannot grow further) and never being able to reproduce their own crop by saving seeds is a catastrope, which always has been the essence of agriculture before you started talking about sustainability.

It is with sustainability as with sex. Those who talk a lot about it are those who either get too little or give too little (usually nothing). The extent of waffle is directly proportional to lack of practice. We fuss over what we no longer have.
Geoff Lawton says without blinking that the system is scalable. As in small, so in large. Therefore, a surplus system / society could be created in just 5 years anywhere in the world. He knows very well that there are huge forces permanently at play to prevent it. Perma-destruction. Otherwise, this would have happened long ago due to its obvious sustainability.
There are those who simply do not want sustainability and will do anything to fight it. At the same time, they have sent out armies of spinners to rant about it as if they want it.
Here comes, sorry, just a little more bad news.
Design-ideological stop blocks
I was recently with a person, a perfectly nice and highly educated person, who unfortunately once again made the argument that the World needed mechanized-chemicalized and GMO-ified agriculture EVEN MORE for the ‘obvious’ reason – ‘yes the main problem for the world situation is …’ that we can no longer feed the billions of people if we don’t do that. A typical argument right out of the playbook of the UN.
After all, we all speak as we understand it, and the argument is difficult to counter if we don’t have other arguments in order. And we don’t have that if we think like the globalists, the imperialists, BigAgrobizz and – which unfortunately it is – the eugenicists who today hide under other and more enticing titles.
Let us instead reformulate the argument to: The main problem for the world situation from a food point of view is that we have lost the knowledge of our ancestors and still do not have the hopeful knowledge of our descendants, which would be precisely the permaculture referenced above. We are in a limbo where the globalists’ argument is still hard to get past, and it is mega-institutions like the UN with billion-dollar budgets, hordes of employees and with an aura of credibility that constantly pump it out. And it is a credibility created by the well-known UN concept from Agenda 21/30 called consensus. It is something we have agreed to believe in, that is where the credibility lies. But it’s a false argument, and it’s especially so because it can now be documented that people don’t have to die of hunger if they go about it right. On the other hand, a comprehensive global local is needed – not globalist! – grassroots training in truly sustainable farming methods.
Imperialist mythology
So part of the answer to the well-educated and probably well-intentioned person I spoke to is that we could start by systematically not preventing Earth’s populations from sustaining or developing – if there is no longer anything to sustain – a healthy farming and food culture. Our predatory culture sabotages their development. The super example is still the African continent, whose populations should be the most prosperous on the planet in terms of the natural resources available. WE just stole it from them, and WE are the globalists-imperialists with OUR approval, because we benefited from the prosperity boom that was stolen from the African continent and its inhabitants. Next we arrived with our embarrassed bad conscience and offered them foreign aid, which in 9/10 cases ended up in the pockets of the corrupt leadership classes that WE ourselves had installed – and WE are our ruling class aka the imperialists who created industrialism on the basis of the resource robbery, that has been around since the mid-1800s. Next, we arrive with a generous, tear-jerking offer to the under-franchised, poorly educated countries, offering their best minds to be educated in the West, so they can come back and … and what? We keep them in the West, where in the meantime they have got good positions for high wages, so we have also stolen their brains! We have created a brain drain.
Someone did an analysis of how much of the money paid by the members of UN actually arrived to the proclaimed receivers of development funds. Hold on to you butt now: 1.3% ! What happened to the rest? They disappeared down a giant black hole in the huge money laundring machine, that UN has become.
The hypocrisy and rapacity knows no bounds, because it will get worse. Next we arrive with our big swollen index fingers and say we think they’ve become a bit too numerous, those useless scavengers, after we’ve impoverished their continent, so now WE have an overpopulation problem! So that’s why WE and THEY need more Monsanto and GMO and the whole BS. WE created the problem, and now THEY get the blame for it and should preferably also feel a little sorry for US.
Give me a vomit pail!!
The black gold
Hvorefter der kommer flere gode nyheder.
A lost science was documented in the South American jungle when an agronomic research group found out how the ancient rainforest dwellers maintained a high culture in the middle of the jungle before the conquistadors wiped them out. You could unfortunately call it the great Catholic genocide. We can read in the travelogues written in the company of the conquistadors that there were great white cities in the jungle where thousands, even millions of people lived. How could it be done and where did they go?
Let’s start with the last one, because it is not difficult to understand. The example is the Maya and Inca cultures. They simply died like flies from the diseases that – I will always claim – intended weapons of mass destruction that the invading forces brought with them and against which the locals had no defense. And an extinct city – and we are talking, according to reports, about metropolis-sized cities – disappears completely within 50-100 years due to the enormous forces exerted by the jungle as it grows. Rain forest is growing on top of itself.
The first is more mysterious: How could they have created these cities and sustained them? All jungle dwellers today know that jungle soil is poor. When you cut down the trees by burning, all the nutrients wash out of the soil, because there are no longer tree roots to hold it. When the vegetation disappears, the ecosystem is destroyed and new deserts emerge. The jungle farmers have to burn a new area every 5 years because what else are they going to do. So what did the ancient cultures do, and has anything been forgotten?

It is there, and their secret was revealed by digging in the known ruins of the cities. There was a strangely high amount of charcoal in the ground which even after 1000 years was still there. The group was on the trail of a forgotten science. The charcoal simply has a unique ability to bind the nutrients in the soil. The research group began to conduct a series of experiments to add charcoal to the soil, because burning a lot of trees doesn’t necessarily create charcoal, it just clears an area and throws a lot of smoke into the air.
The charcoal cultivation, the black gold, Terra Preta works amazingly well. Used in the right way, only one application of charcoal is needed, and the effect is permanent.
With Terra Preta, felling of the rainforest within local agriculture can be stopped effectively.
Bad news: We must not address here the biggest culprits in the rainforest areas, which are multinational logging companies, mega-plantation owners, oil companies, mining companies, who have had an almost 100% permission by the governments to destroy HUGE areas for half a century. It is a very special problem that requires an anti-globalist policy from the local governments, which right now seems very problematic.
Good news: the 200-year-old vicious circle of imperialism is just now being broken. There is a global – again not globalist, on the contrary – movement invisible to most. The invisibility consists in the Western media refusing to report on it, the journalists being ignorant of it or just happy with it, because they just have to make their money, and decision-makers are uniformly brain dead and corrupt. OK, so that was more bad news/old stuff, but the news is that it’s actually happening.
We stop for today. More on that – all the time 🙂